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Norm Kirchner

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Everything posted by Norm Kirchner

  1. What part of the color ramp do you want to scale? The Gradient bar or the actua display of the current value?
  2. Sorry for dying off on this thread. I'll be posting my code for both scrolling on an array AND listbox's Just harass me after the new year when I get my PC back.
  3. Much like Michael I have started on a parser with the attempt to grab the simple functions from the rest of the gook in a header file. I think even w/ out a Perl coder available, if we start small w/ the assumption of having a concise list of well formatted function calls, we can create somethign that will save ooodles of time. I have a prototype already together that can even handle the creation of clusters from structures and enums from enums. I'll be posting it after the new year when I get my PC back. Keep on rockin' in the free world ~,~ The Captain
  4. Has anyone attempted a hack of the license to find out if that may release the scripting?
  5. Has anyone had success with the preloadSimScriptingVIs DebugSimScripting INI Settings :question: It's probably something to do w/ something else, but you never know.
  6. Got a few more min this time to read the thread and realized that it had more information than reailzed. BUT. This thread would be better suited for discussions on the development of the scripter. I'm installing CVI now to check out the utils that the thread mentioned, but I still think that we should be able to do this for all of us w/out the CVI license.
  7. This still doesnt' give me anything. Forget the boundries. This is needed. I have a number of DLL drivers with header files. I now need to create wrappers I can't imagine that this is the only situation. Great ideas can be accomplished through teamwork. All that post said was that it was too hard and wasn't worth NI's time. Let's make it worth OUR time!! Vive la communite
  8. This is the reason that I created my "work around" for adjusting the text. I don't quite understand why this is the case but without a doubt, you can not do what you are asking. I would love to hear the reason why it is that's for sure. But you can trust me that I tried most every possible implementation of accomplishing what you are looking for and the best I could get is w/ my align BD label.vi
  9. This will be VERY useful if I/we can do this. I am heading down the road of a utility that will automatically define a "Call Library Function Node" based upon an available header file, thus simplifying a very time consuming task. Is anyone up the road ahead :question: I'll keep my progress updated here and I am welcome to any suggestions. Norm Kirchner ~,~
  10. Very nice, I'll have to get you my code that will auto-resize a listbox's width to the largest string to minimize the footprint on the screen but it looks like you need to d/l the tunnel wiring wizard to get rid of all those extra shift registers in the state machine.
  11. What I am looking to do is make somthing that operates as the end user would expect. In this case the addition needs to happen at the bottom. The user is going to expect a scroll bar rather than a slider for the fixed number of elements workaround, because the scrollbar gives feedback to the number of elements out of view. I've given into the fact that there is no way to easily accomplish this and have moved down another path. Thanks for all the help! :thumbup:
  12. I want to be able to control the position of the scroll bars on the SubPanel Control. Actually I want the end user to be able to use the Scroll Bars and the program to move them if necessary
  13. This has nothing to do w/ what I'm asking for. I want to change the scroll position of a FP loaded into a SubPanel Only 1 VI will be loaded in the SubPanel. And I want to force it, from time to time, to scroll all the way to the bottom. Your solution only addresses a bug with a redraw. The loaded FP has an array on it, the array will be growing in the number of rows programmatically. So after a while the number of rows in the array will exceed the length of the FP. When this happens, I need the SubPanel to scroll all the way down.
  14. Has anyone successfully changed the scroll position of a subpanel programatically?? Needless to say I'm :headbang:
  15. This topic came up in public on info-labview. Well I have already made a nice little VI that accomplishes this. It's not super fancy or mega documented, but it works and I'll leave the fancying up to you guys. Enjoy -Norm ~,~ The Captain Download File:post-208-1122647205.llb
  16. I thought I would wrap up this thread by letting all know of the solution. It's a bit dependent on how much horsepower your PC has but it's PLATFORM INDEPENDENT :thumbup: SIDE NOTE: Mario, I was just looking to display the image (end side note) I have found a way to hack into the picture control to allow fast redraws of streaming video. Assuming you get your video data in a 1-d array of U8 (but concept can be adjusted for any vid format). If you use the standard "Draw Unflattened PixMap" for your first frame, to format all the picture data/header info And then for every following frame, simply replace only that portion of the picture data within the bytestream. You can reach framerates in excess of 30 FPS with only the PICTURE CONTROL. There are a number of other assumptions going on here, but for the sake of space I'll stop here. Happy Hacking ~,~ The Captain
  17. Nicely done SciWare!!! I knew that there must be a more elegant way. And a nice little bit of info about the NAN and lifting the pen effect. :thumbup: way cool
  18. Now here's something interesting/BUG. I was trying to find an easier way than having about 100 plots to accomplish this. I was thinking about making 1 plot of bar graph type of the upper limits and then filling it to another plot of the lower limits. But alas, if you try to fill a bar graph to another graph (instead of to 0,+inf or -inf) it fills the whole area between the graphs. BOOOO Anyone know a way around this "Feature" See attachment Download File:post-208-1116868101.vi
  19. I'm going to ask Mike A. to start an External Code section under General, we'll see what happens. For now, the overloaded method "Show dialog" has an instance that takes an owner as an input. Now I have all the planks for the bridge but I just need the rope to tie them together I can get a windows HWND from the user32.dll calls, On any form there is a Handle property that can be read but not set. And the owner is of class IWin32Window. Now here's the question of the day. Is it wrong to try to typecast the HWND to the IWin32Window type :question:
  20. SIDE NOTE: Lycangeek kicks arse w/ .NET On the matter of the print capabilites, I am finding that the page setup and print dialogs keep popping up behind my app and I don't see a method/property to bring/force those specific dialogs to the front. Any direction? :arrow: :question:
  21. Now I see the light. Silly me, I was expecting the version number to start w/ something like ohh I dunno 1.1. In anycase, I don't know for sure what the version number was before I started kabitzing with everything, but it is now the correct 1.0.5 I am now back on the track of :headbang:, trying to get an image into a print preview window and a page setup/print dialog available to the end user.
  22. I want to use System.Drawing.dll It looks as though the newest version is v1.1.4322, but in LV it still references 1.0.3 I did find the GAC under admin tools, and it still ref's the 1.0.3 for all assemblies If I go to c:\windows\microsoft.NET\framework it shows 2 directories v1.0.3705 v1.1.4322 My LV list and the GAC still looks at the 1.0.3 This is my problem :headbang:
  23. Ahh, but the problem in my case is that I am not trying to load .NET dll's that I've created. I want to load the system assemblies from windows/microsoft.net/Framework/v1.1.4322 Where to go in this situation -Norm
  24. When I bring up the list of available assemblies in LV 7.1 it does not show the newest versions of the assemblies. So I browse to the updated ones, and find the one I need, select it and go back to the browse window which still points to the old assembly. Anyone w/ experience in accessing the updated .NET assemblies from LV??
  25. Do I get the award at NI week this year??!!
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