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Everything posted by WallStreetFPGA

  1. As a follow up to this topic, here is an interview by Greg Crawford of Tabb Group on Innovations in Hardware Acceleration:
  2. I am sure people have done that kind of analysis but I don't know any off hand. I also created a LabVIEW in Finance group on ni.com http://decibel.ni.com/content/groups/labview-in-finance
  3. It seems that using OOP on an FPGA would be counter-intuitive. The paradigm for programming FPGAs and their end use make this hard to understand why this would be done. That said, could more info be provided on why this is being done? Is there an algorithm that needs to be ported over? Also, most OOP code isn't parallelized to take advantage of the FPGA's parallel computing.
  4. Not sure if this is the best place to post but check our white paper for accelerating the FIX protocol using FlexRIO and LabVIEW FPGA http://www.wallstree...a.com/fixcancel Feedback and comments are appreciated.
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