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Ton Plomp

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Posts posted by Ton Plomp

  1. QUOTE(JasonKing @ Mar 9 2007, 09:06 PM)

    I've often wondered why I didn't hear much about people using the MSG.

    Well Jason,

    thanks for the control (truely)

    What I would like for the MSG, is more documentation. Somehow I don't get it, as a developer I need the properties and methods alike the developer experiences the control. And for the MSG this is just not provided. I have looked at the MSG (in 8.0) and found it promising but not usefull. Sorry their are no other words to express my feelings.

    So maybe a white paper (just like the one on LVOOP) of the specifics of the MSG for developers would be wonderfull.

    It would be great if you remove my feeling that the MSG is a express-picture control


  2. QUOTE(Guia @ Mar 8 2007, 06:15 PM)

    Indeed, this sounds better for me... Not that i dont want to know how xnodes are working, i just dont have enough time to learn :rolleyes:

    Well if I have followed the news about Xnodes well, they work a lot like XControls for front panel items, so XControls are a good way to start to learn!


  3. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Mar 8 2007, 07:27 AM)

    Yes, I did German last weekend. I'm doing French this weekend. Hang in there...


    I'll be on holiday from next week on, but in a few weeks I have some spare time, if you'd PM me the PHP files I can do something for dutch!


  4. Their are several options I can think off, all are difficult.

    For one it is possible to have an activex container with an excel worksheet.

    Or more advanced, create a callback VI for the 'application close event', and then display a message to the user.


  5. QUOTE(Nullllll @ Mar 7 2007, 10:39 AM)

    We did, but he crossed some boundaries (quote from the Guidelines)


    Upload example code.


    Don't abuse the PM (Personal Message System)


    Signature Size



    , and use normal formatting and grammar. I prefer the feeling that the poster has done more effort on his coding than on the formatting of the post

    And now I'm in the neighbourhood of these boundaries (and I don't like living on the edge)


    No flame wars


    We require all posts to be positive, constructive, and on topic.

    If Alnaimi would have given a little more feedback it wouldn't have taken 31 posts to detect he isn't using DAQmx! By following the Guidelines and How to Ask Questions the Smart Way, he probably got better and faster answers.

    Jeff went to quite some stuff to help him

    And this forum is targetted at Advanced Architects, meaning the majority of us have a lot of knowledge, their willing to share. But sharing is something else than giving it away too easily. Some of us make a living of selling LV knowledge or giving training to LV starters. We hope everyone will love LV but we won't do your (home)work.


  6. Hi Didier,

    Welcome in the train business!

    It looks like you're a competitor/colleague. We (Lloyd's Register Rail) developed the Gotcha system for detecting train and 'square wheels' at trains!

    And yes you can do LabVIEW at 300 km/h in a high-speed train or a 120 km/h normal train.

    Have fun and don't forget the wire ;)


  7. I've had some issues with FTP and a RT PXI chassis. We had 2 laptops and 2 PXIs and one configuration (PXI1-laptop2) didn't have a higher speed than 100 kb/s... While the others reached easily the theoretical maximum of 12 mb/s....


  8. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Mar 6 2007, 08:17 AM)

    Are alnaimi and alameer the same user? alameer just sent me this PM:

    Too bad I already deleted my alnaimi PM (how many did he sent?), but if I recall his expressions were a little louder


    This brings up another issue, should our profile site show our last IP-address? This is done at a lot of forums, and it wouldn't harm here (I think).

    Does anyone have issues with such a feature?


  9. QUOTE(orko @ Mar 6 2007, 04:07 AM)

    In the LV Advanced class I'm in this week, there is about 10 of us that are working off of LV 8.0 boxes, and I've seen already (in the first day) several instances where LV crashed for no apparent reason on more than a few boxes... this makes me more and more reassured that I need to upgrade my apps to 8.2 as soon as I can get back to the office.

    Strange, is that an NI class? because I think they should teach that with the latest release, or is everybody working on their private laptop?


  10. QUOTE(yen @ Mar 5 2007, 08:23 PM)

    But where will you get your exercise now? :laugh:

    My favorite use of the merge VI is in a couple of simple VIs I wrote (and posted quite some time ago) and which have a while loop with a stop button and a 100 ms wait and with an event structure with a stop event configured (and put them in the structures palette). These are extremely useful when wanting to do quick tests of something.

    I have a similar one, with extra events for 'panel close?' 'app instance close' 'menu activation' and a user event


  11. It is usefull to express your (inhouse) problems public, it'll trigger other people.

    I have the feeling I get some sort of sixth sense for forums, sometimes I read about a bug and stumble upon it the next day (happened twice to me....)

    I found the Application event friday, said i'd look into it into the weekend, and then remembered Michaels post (just a week old).

    Now another Application event (VI activation) is kinda buggy... if someone finds a way to make that one usefull, PM me!


  12. QUOTE(zero-tolerance @ Mar 4 2007, 07:08 PM)

    So I'm guessing this is it, I mean I can't resolve the issue?

    I don't know what the issue is, I only know I can explain your misunderstanding from the first post. The two signals have the same AC components, but a different DC component. FFT'ing the singels isn't usefull in this case


  13. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Mar 3 2007, 07:23 PM)

    I just figured out that the error message only appears when the application is passed the file path via the command-line argument (when app is first launched). The error does not occur when the files are sent via DDE. For example, if you launch the app manually and then double-click your files, there is no error message.

    Yes it is the DDE implementation, the bad thing is launching the program via the file-ref is not working, and the way to get that working (pass command line parameters) will break this method :thumbdown:


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