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Ton Plomp

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Posts posted by Ton Plomp

  1. QUOTE(JFM @ Apr 2 2007, 11:16 AM)

    Use the break point tool from the Tools-Palette.

    When the break point tool is black, it will add a breakpoint, when it is white it will remove a previously added breakpoint.

    In your case use the tool and click within the loop.


    I normally use this 'trick' with the CTRL button down (in run mode (ctrl-m)), no break point tool selection needed


  2. QUOTE(wenwen @ Mar 30 2007, 11:53 PM)

    This is something related to your advances state.

    First off there is a huge difference in how to program (besides the textual vs. graphic idea) [wiki]LabVIEW[/wiki] is driven by [wiki]Data Flow[/wiki] meaning that an instruction will be executed when it is ready, not in the order entered! this is a big mindset change

    Second, saying that C++ can do 60% off your problems means you lack 40% advanced C++ programming (I'm no C++ programmer) I think anything can be done with C++ and LabVIEW but LabVIEW will normally allow you to program faster! Normally good C++ code executes faster than good LabVIEW code. However good LabVIEW code outruns shitty C++ code :rolleyes: .

    Saying outloud here that something can't be done in LabVIEW will most likely be answered by an answer, uhm, yes did it 4 years ago by (Ben/Rolf/Jim/PJM/Michael amongst other)

    For a beginner the http://forums.ni.com' target="_blank">NI forums are better, why? because people of NI get payed to help you and the user base is bigger.

    About the time of becoming an advanced LabVIEW programmer....

    I started in my 3rd year of my bachelor (2003), and did since about 3 years of full-time LabVIEW development. I won't say I'm advanced but my heads grips LabVIEW (sometimes I dream about the missing error out function of my 2 year old :unsure: ).

    To become an advanced LabVIEW programmer you need enthousiasm!

    Good luck,


  3. QUOTE(Thang Nguyen @ Mar 30 2007, 09:31 PM)


    The 'http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361B-01/glang/create_queue/' target="_blank">Obtaine queue' function has a boolean input that is: 'create if not found? (T)', and an output 'Created new?'.

    Also you use a local to get your queue's from, maybe you run into some race condition, could you add your vi?


  4. Recently I needed to know on which pane a control resided, so I looked at the control.owner property.

    Unfortunately (and strangely) that gave a reference to the panel ( a reference quite hard to get your hands on in 8.x) and not the pane.

    So for your (and my own) pleasure I wrote a VI that returns a reference to the pane a control resides on:


    Use it if you need it!


  5. I recently claimed it would be possible to use XControls as a ChildWindow container for sub-panels.

    As a proof of concept I have coded the following (fun starts at 15 seconds):


    The avi shows a window with two panes, on the left a stop button and two load buttons, each load button will load a vi (reentrantly) into one of the two Child-windows in the right pane.

    The movie is a little bit shacky since the load of the software that makes the movie.

    Each XCTL has a 'mimimize', ' maximize' and 'close' button.

    The top bar of the XCTL allows you to drag the window around, the upper 3 pixels allow you to resize the window vertically (other directions are not done yet).

    Instructions to use (after extracting the .zip):

    open the test.vi in subpanels\VIs

    Run it, load the daughter.vi in subpanels\VIs into each of the child-windows with the two ' load VIs...' buttons.

    If you want to move the windows you will notice you loose control of the window soon because the mouse get out of the window, haven't figured out how to trick that but maybe later....



    The .zip contains 4 .ani files which are part of Windows XP, if anyone knows good royalty free cursors I'd love to hear (too lazy to google)

    The movie is made with Broadcaster Studio Pro which allow you to capture your screen (or area) and stream that to a virtual webcam or disk!

    • Like 1
  6. One nifty feature I found out today (I think it is new in 8.0):

    SMART Right mouse button on error wires :blink:


    Here's your error:


    And here's your pop-up menu:


    See the 'Insert Index array' and 'Disable indexing at Source'. absolutely in the right place!

    It gets even better if you insert a 'Merge errors.vi' this will insert like you want it to (the array on the array input), the same thing has happened with the insertion of a 'Bundle by name' feature, which[?] fits in quite nicelay


  7. QUOTE(fuzzycontrolfreak @ Mar 29 2007, 05:40 PM)

    Is there any other way to build daq VI's other than DAQ Assistant, or is there a way to solve this problem.

    Hi Fuzzycontrolfreak,

    DAQ assistant is only good for short tests/simple acquisitions

    If you want to seriously use DAQ you have to start use lower level DAQmx VIs. There are a lot of examples in the Example finder.

    Have a look there and you will most likely find what you need.


  8. QUOTE(Dave Graybeal @ Mar 27 2007, 06:32 PM)

    lol, Whatever kind of coffee your drinking you better start sharing with the rest of us.


    when I saw the post, I was starting up a rant (just to keep the feeling).

    But I think Tomi got a raise (or his hands on the LVOOP sourcecode) today....


  9. QUOTE(TomIto @ Mar 26 2007, 09:12 AM)

    Could you give some way of communication? Serial/ethernet/gpib or some manual

    What have you done already?

    QUOTE(TomIto @ Mar 26 2007, 09:12 AM)

    Also would like to know how much is the

    accuracy in a case that I adopt LabVIEW.

    The accuracy of LabVIEW is limited by the acquistion device and communication protocol, internally LabVIEW uses up to 128 bit floating point IEEE data storage, but a double datatype (64 bit) will generally be 15 decimal accurate

    QUOTE(TomIto @ Mar 26 2007, 09:12 AM)

    I wonder RT engine is necessary.

    I think RT stands for runtime, you'll need that if you are building an executable or dll for a non-development PC. But generally it is free.

    Could you give some more info and show something of what you have already tried?


  10. QUOTE(njkirchner @ Mar 26 2007, 06:17 AM)

    I bet w/ the improvements in event registration and handling and xcontrols, this might have the potential to be a bit more fruitful this go around.

    I have even a (hopefully) better idea, why not use an Xcontrol with an subpanel. In that case you could have maximize, minimize events handled inside the XControl.


  11. A value change event on a numeric is a valid use case. But a dial (or slide) is a different thing, what you most likely want is a to check if the mouse button is up.

    A simple mouse up-event wouldn't work because you can change the value while the mouse-pointer is outside the control (test this: mouse down on the control, move mouse out of control, and you can change the dial value, but you won't get a mouse-up event).

    So you better get a 'value change' event, and check with the mouse status vi for a mouse-up state (eg. don't act if the mouse is down)


  12. QUOTE(orko @ Mar 12 2007, 06:15 AM)

    Would the tool mentioned (Tagscanner) be suitable for this?

    Most likely: Yes.

    Tagscanner can create tags based on directory structure/filename and create a directory structure/filename based on tags.

    What I normally do is check the tags, update them from the directory structure if needed, and then apply my own directory structure based on the tags.


  13. I don't know how it is in the rest of the world, but on a sort of traditional wedding/party in the Netherlands (esp. on the countryside) you finish the night with coffee and a sandwich... :thumbup:

    Just came back of a 12 1/2 wedding year anniversary with beer and coffee :thumbup: (no sandwich though)


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