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    LabVIEW 8.6
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  1. startuml
  2. thank for your paied now i am using PCAN , I need PCAN -LIN Driver. could you share it ?
  3. I have one project which use XNET control module. RD give us a dbc (as attachment) which generated by vector canoe now it is issue that NI-XNET Database editor cannot open the file(as attachment). and it can be opened in canoe(as attachment) what wrong with the file ? what can i do for it ? MxICS.dbc
  4. i find the rootcase File»VI Properties»Execution»Allow Debugging (VI Setup»Window Options»Allow Debugging it can be probe
  5. hi everyone while i study the example vi , i have one issue about right-click menu 1.refer to attachment 1, while i right-click the example code ,there is no "breakpoint"menu. in the other hand, i right-click normal code ,it show "breakpoint" menu . as attachement 2 my question: how to modify the right-click menu ? and how to resume the default menu? God bless us !
  6. sure, i find the checkbox, it is my fault. thank you
  7. i am glad to hear that TestStand2019 add PDF generate feature. however, i cannot find the feature in my teststand2019 my question: how can i open the feature in my teststand?
  8. hi all i use GOOP to design object 1.i download GOOP by VIPM refer to attachement 1 2.i create two simple object ,and set relationship refer to attachement 2 3.it show error message refer to attachement 3 my question :how to solve the issue?
  9. overcurrent?the function belong to DMM. you can remote the DMM, however, the labview have no the subvi which can monitor overcurrent
  10. Hi guys: I have one issue about signal of CAN Framework. I hope I can get response in the forum. Requirement : 1. there is one cycle CAN Data, the 8th byte is cycle data(0->15), if the 8th byte not follow cycle data, we must give up this frame data , and report one error message. my issue: how to detect the CAN message in cycle data mode? 2. on the other hand, if we want to generate one cycle CAN DATA as below , how I can do it? BR
  11. Next step , prepare for CLA Xuesong Liu.pdf
  12. hi all i have just close this issue, it must install VAS,VDM before using the module
  13. Hi all i setup one vi package in VPM, name: NI vision opencv utilities.(PLS refer to attachment) after installing the package, it show error message while i using the vi( PLS refer to attachment), it said that the " nivisocvsamples.dll" is absent. my question: where can i get the DLL file?
  14. hi ensegre follow your idea, I have found the relevant vi about the program thank you very much
  15. hi all I setup vision module in labview, however, the vi which i download from NI(PLS see attachment) can not run , it seem that there is absent of "IMAQ USB serial vi"(PLS see attachment ) could somebody share your "IMAQ USB serial vi" with me? Grab and Save USB LabVIEW 86.vi
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