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Posts posted by GregR

  1. There are 2 types of ActiveX controls: windowed and windowless. Windowed controls create their own OS window and completely handle drawing inside of that window. Windowless controls get messaged by their containing window when it is their turn to draw. Guess which kind the media player is. In order to draw anything on top of it, we would need to create a partially transparent window on top of it.

    You could do something with a second VI that is set to be partially transparent and positioned over the media player.

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  2. There are a lot of considerations when deciding which VIs to make reentrant. Its about finding a balance between maximum performance and minimum memory usage.

    • Any VI that maintains state needs to be either non-reentrant or fully reentrant depending on its requirements for that state.
    • If there are any VIs that truly can't be called at the same time, those should stay non-reentrant. This could be things like configuration dialogs or file modification. Non-reentrant VIs are one of the easiest ways to serialize access to single instance resources.
    • Any VI that is part of a performance critical code path probably should be made fully reentrant. This avoids synchronization points between multiple parallel instances of performance critical code or non-performance critical code getting in the way of performance critical code.
    • Beyond that you can start to favor non-reentrant or shared reentrant to reduce memory usage.
    • As crossrulz said, VIs that always execute quickly can be considered for leaving as non-reentrant. Keep in mind that there is a difference between a VI that always executes quickly and one that typically executes quickly. Anything that does asynchronous communication (networking, queues, ...) should be considered slow, because it could take longer than expected.
    • Making VIs that are called from a lot of places shared reentrant instead of fully reentrant will slightly increase execution time but can greatly reduce the number of instances required and thus memory usage.

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  3. Remote panel as the name implies only shows the panel on the remote machine. The diagram runs on the server machine. This allows the diagram to still access hardware on the server machine like DAQ devices. The same goes for the Input Device palette.

    If you want to capture keyboard input from the remote panel, you will need to use front panel events. Those are the only thing that will be redirected from the remote UI back to the diagram. Check out the Key Down event on "This VI".

  4. In 2011 (not sure about 2010) the VI hierarchy window can help draw your dependency map for you. There is a "Group Libraries" button that will put all VIs in a library together. Cycles between your libraries then show up as backwards dashed references. You can even collapse each library to a single item. This does mean you have to load all your VIs into memory to get the full graph, but it works. I wanted this feature way back when we introduced libraries but it took a while to get it.

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  5. This is not really a question of the LabVIEW ActiveX interface but really a feature of the language used to call the open reference. In LabVIEW, references are closed when the top level VI stops running (in most cases). Even if you used the LabVIEW ActiveX interface to open a VI reference, that reference would be closed when the VI stops running. This is not because it is a VI reference, but because LabVIEW closes the ActiveX reference.

    In C or C++, references are only closed by the user explicitly closing. TestStand is written in C++ so this is the case they are in.

    C# uses garbage collection so a reference would stay open as long as something still remembers the reference. This could be equal to a thread being running if the reference is stored on that thread's stack but more frequently it is independent of threads. It is usually about a method returning which allows its locals to be collected or a static data structure whose value contains the reference.

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  6. Typically a VI is reserved by either being run as a top level VI, having a strict VI reference opened or having one of the first 2 done to one of its callers (recursively up the VI hierarchy). In the case of ActiveX, we don't really have a concept of strict references, so we explicitly expose reservation.

    However reservation has nothing to do with keeping a VI in memory. TestStand does control VI lifetime through references. They open the references from TestStand itself so they are in control of when they close those references.

    The issue you are having is related to the automatic cleanup of references when a top level VI finishes running. Even if we did expose reservation of references through the VI server, your reference would still be cleaned up and the VI might be unloaded. There are a couple of options.

    • You either have to change how your code operates such that the VI that opens the reference does not stop running.
      • This might mean making a UI where the user can repeatedly press your button to do something rather than having the VI complete and the user hit run again.
      • Or it could mean starting up a separate VI in the background that opens the reference and keeps running until you are really done.

      [*]If the VI you're loading is meant to stay running, then you can use the "Auto Dispose Ref" option on the Run method. This will cause the reference to stay open as long as the VI you called Run on is running. (The cleanup happens at the end of the VI you called Run on instead of the VI you called Open from.)

  7. EMFs are produced by setting up drawing to target an EMF then calling our rendering code. Currently our rendering code is only accessible from the picture control itself. The result is as you have found, the only way to get an EMF from a picture string is to use a control. There is no purely programmatic way to invoke the code required.

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  8. This isn't making sense to me. Each ActiveX object defines whether it is an STA or MTA model. LabVIEW is supposed to honor that. If it is STA, we make all calls from our UI thread. If it is MTA, then we allow the calls to happen in any thread. If your object is really MTA and the VI is not set to run in the UI thread, I would expect these calls to happen in parallel. Also your references are named UserControl. All ActiveX controls are STA by definition because all ActiveX UI is STA. If the object is STA, then you shouldn't have been able to run the code in parallel in VB either. Is it true that the ActiveX code is built as a control? Did you use the exact same methods in VB to see the parallel execution or were you calling something similar that really use MTA?

  9. When talking about arrays, it is important to distinguish between copy(noun) and copy(verb). Copy(noun) refers to a memory buffer containing data. Copy(verb) refers to the act of reading memory from one location and writing those values to another location. If you are running out of memory, then you need to focus on the number of buffers allocated. If you want code to run fast, then your main focus should be the number of times you read from one and write to another. In many cases having more buffers means more read/write operations so reducing buffers tends to improve speed but the relationship is indirect. My discussion below refers to the operation of reading from one location and writing to another.

    LabVIEW's memory manager handles resizes specifically. This means it can try to expand an allocation at its current location before resorting to allocating a new buffer. This also means that in the cases where a new buffer is required, it is the memory manager that copies the existing data to the new location and disposes the old buffer. So from an allocation standpoint, it doesn't matter if a new element is being added to the beginning, middle or end of an array. The chance of it causing a copy of every existing element is the same. After the allocation is done, then we can actually have enough space to add the new element. This is where the location matters. If you're adding to the beginning, we will copy every existing element to move it down. If you're adding to the end, we just have to set the new element.

    Going back to the original build array scenario. This means that prepending an element with build array will copy the existing elements at least once and commonly twice. Appending an element with build array will either not copy or copy once. That makes appending always one less copy and that qualifies as "much more efficient" to me.

    When LabVIEW shrinks an array, we do things in the opposite order but the same principles apply. Since we won't have enough room for all the data after resizing, we must move the data we want to the front before resizing. When deleting from the beginning, this means copying everything else. When deleting from the end, this requires nothing. We then call the memory manager. The odds are greater that the memory manager will keep the same buffer when shrinking, but there are still times when it won't so it must copy all the data to the new location.

    Regarding delete from array vs array subset, delete from array is more expensive. Because delete from array has to handle cases where you delete from the middle, it doesn't produce a subarray. Array subset and split array always produce subarrays. This can reduce the overall number of copies, or it might just mean that the copy happens at the next node and the net result is no different.

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  10. I suspected contiguous memory was the issue here, but while I know that LV arrays and clusters need contiguous memory I didn't believe a queue needed contiguous memory? That's a serious drawback I think, putting an even bigger hit on the dynamic allocation nature of queue buffers. As touched on earlier in this thread I thought a queue was basically an array of pointers to the elements, with only this (maybe 1-10 Mb) array having to fit in contiguous memory, not the entire possibly gigabyte sized buffer of elements. At least for complex data types the linked list approach would lessen the demands for contiguous memory. If the queue data type is simpler that overhead would obviously be a silly penalty to pay, in which case a contiguous element buffer would be smarter. But that's not how it is I gather. A queue is always a contiguous chunk of memory.

    When I say the queue buffer contains all the elements, that just means the top level of the data. For arrays that is just the handle. In your example I see it get close to 1.5 million elements. This means the queue buffer is only around 6MB. You actually seem to be off on the total memory calculation though. Each of your 128 uInt64 arrays is about 1K. That means that 1.5 million is 1.5GB. That puts you very close to the 1.7GB of usable address space and much higher than your estimated 150MB. I hadn't actually built the VI when I replied the first time so my focus on fragmentation was based on the low 150MB number. This appears to be more about actual usage than fragmentation.

    If you want to see what happens when the data really is flat inside the queue buffer, try putting an array to cluster after your initialize array and set the cluster size to 128. This produces the same amount of data as the array but it will be directly in the queue buffer. You will get a much smaller number of elements before stopping.

    Do you have any idea how I could catch the mem full dialog from the OS? The app should probably end when such a dialog is presented, as a failed mem alloc could have caused all sorts of problems. I'd rather end it gracefully if possible though, instead of a "foreign" dialog popping up.

    The out of memory dialog is displayed by LabVIEW not by the OS. The problem is this dialog is triggered at a low level inside our memory manager and at that point we don't know if the caller is going to correctly report the error or not. So we favor given redundant notifications over possibly giving no notification. This does get in the way of programmatically handling out of memory errors, but this is often quite difficult because anything you do in code might cause further allocation and we already know memory is limited.

    LV 2011 64-bit on Windows 7 64-bit, 4GB memory, another 4GB virtual memory

    I guess I forget that a lot of people limit their virtual memory size. This does affect my earlier comments about the amount of usable address space available to each process. This does put a limit on total allocations across all processes, so the amount available to any one process is hard to predict.

    One last thought, on a more philosophical level - where does 64-bit LabVIEW fit in NI's thinking? At the moment, it's very much the poor cousin, barely supported or promoted, with only the Vision toolkit available at release (ASP takes another few months, still not there for LV 2011). Given LabVIEW's predominant use in the scientific and engineering community, and the rapidly increasing availability of 64-bit OS, how long until 64-bit becomes the main LabVIEW release?

    Vision was the first to be supported on 64-bit because it was seen as the most memory constrained. Images are just big and it is easy to need more memory than 32-bit LV allows. Beyond that it is just a matter of getting it prioritized. Personally, I'd like to see parity or even 64-bit taking the lead. As sales and marketing continue to hear the request and we see users using 64-bit OSs, we should get there.

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  11. Static VI references load statically but allow you to call dynamically. For many cases this is acceptable. If dynamic loading is important but you still don't want to deal with paths or VI names on your diagrams, there is actually one more option that delivers dynamic loading with static calling. On subVI calls there is a "Call Setup..." menu item. This allows you switch the call to "Reload for each call" or "Load and retain on first call". Either of these will avoid loading the VI initially, but still take care of managing the linkage to the subVI for you.

    Keep in mind that any call to a subVI can cause it to be loaded, so if you want to take advantage of this, or any other dynamic loading scheme, you must be sure that all your references use dynamic loading.

    The one case we can't manage the subVI linkage for dynamic load with dynamic calling. This still requires your diagram to compute the path to the subVI and it will not be known to the application builder or noticed at edit time if it is incorrect.

  12. Wrapping the register for event in a safe class is not an issue. You wrap it in a class and create a method that wraps the register for events node. The only issue with preventing access to the user event refnum is that the event handler frame has access to the refnum. Seems like the feature there should really be the ability to specify at event creation that the handler should not have access to the refnum. This avoids the Registration-Only user event and means your wrapper is free to expose whatever subset of user event functionality is appropriate for your use case (register-only, generate-only, register and generate).

    The DVR is a harder problem. The only way to effectively wrap that currently would be to make your safe class have a method that takes a strict VI ref and calls it inside the structure. This would be more acceptable if LabVIEW had some sort of closure/anonymous VI. Giving this the DVR syntax would require a class to define border node behavior for the inplace element structure.

  13. Before someone times this and realizes it is not true. Although we have some internal support that could someday allow reverse string to be constant time, it is not. Reverse string will actually swap all the characters in the string. Reverse array on the other hand is a constant time operation.

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  14. The solution is to use the shift register. The reason is because the language makes no connection between the left tunnel and the right tunnel. What if the reference goes through a node? We don't know if the node would normally pass through or not. To avoid ambiguity we always produce default default for non-indexing tunnels when run zero iterations.

  15. LabVIEW doesn't know how long any specific CLN will take to execute, so we assume that they will all take long enough to be worth scheduling in parallel with other code (clumping separately). This increases the chance of multiple CLNs not running in the same thread. However, there is a solution. Subroutine VIs come to the rescue. Subroutines always generate a single clump and will execute all their code in a single thread. So as long as your socket call and the getlasterror are made under the same subroutine, they will execute in the same thread. This even covers the case where the getlasterror is encapsulated in other subroutine VI for reuse.

    There is one extreme corner case where other code could be run between the 2 calls. It involves the subroutine starting cooperatively in a thread under a call to a LV built DLL. The vast majority of applications don't even create this situation and it is pretty unlikely to happen even in those that do.

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