Just updated from LV6.1 to 8.0.1. I get the error "could not determine data types of all wires in this VI" for some of my VIs I am converting to LV8. The error is not highlighted, the front panel of the VI is just activated. However, I tracked the error to an error cluster that is type defined (for some reason) and connected to an Error Case. It seems LV6.1 accepts type-defined error clusters being connected to an Error-case, but not LV8. That is OK for me, I dont need the error-cluster to be type defined. But why does LV change from a case structure to an Error-case structure then, and why doesn't LV find the error and highlights it for me? I will solve this by disconnecting my error clusters from type-defines.
I haven't studied the upgrade notes thoroughly, but the behaviour by LV seems odd.
Reproduce like this:
Make an error cluster type-defined. Create a case-structure. Connect the type-define to the case structure.
Check the attached zip-file for VI and picture.
Download File:post-2740-1152103309.zip