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george seifert

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Everything posted by george seifert

  1. QUOTE(Yuri33 @ Nov 12 2007, 02:51 PM) I'm glad I kept up with this thread now. One quick follow up. One of the values I pass by reference updates a graph on my front panel. In that case is it still better to pass the value in a queue (there are 4 other values that need to be passed so I'll still look at settting up the queue)? George
  2. So is passing the data between loops via a queue better than passing the values by reference? Passing by reference seems more straightforward, but I guess I wouldn't be surprised if it's less efficient. George
  3. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Nov 7 2007, 12:09 PM) I changed it from the Tools -> Options menu. I think you've hit on it though. The change probably didn't carry over to the ini file in the build. George
  4. I changed the default blink colors (to green on black) on controls in my developement environment, but when I built an executable the blink colors reverted back to the LV defaults (yellow on red, yech). Is this change supposed to carry through or do I need to specify the blink colors in my VI (in which case I guess I'd have to specify it for each control individually)? George
  5. QUOTE(Jeff B @ Oct 26 2007, 01:53 PM) Thanks for checking into it :thumbup: . It'd be nice to be able to rely on Recover to not mess up my project. George
  6. QUOTE(Jeff B @ Oct 3 2007, 03:47 PM) I hadn't made any changes to the the part of the project that got wiped out. I was just changing VIs and not anything at all in the installer builder. George
  7. QUOTE(rkanders @ Oct 3 2007, 10:32 AM) Yeah, I'm going to have to think twice about recovering a project again. I looked pretty stupid the other day after I insalled a built project that had been recovered. I knew it used to include all the files it needed, but now they're not there. George
  8. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Oct 2 2007, 09:11 PM) I've had crashes too (which LV8.5 seems to do much more frequently than 8.2) involving the projects that went bad. I suspect the loss of info is related to the recovery process, but I'll have to monitor the situation. George
  9. My EXE builder (for at least a couple of projects) has lost information a few times now. Specifically the "Always Inlcuded" section on the Source Files page. Also in the Installer builder unchecked the "Include readme file" setting. I have no idea what triggered this, but I know for sure I didn't mess with those settings (nobody else works with these files). Has anyone else noticed this? George
  10. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Sep 27 2007, 11:03 AM) I suppose they looked somewhat similar. At least one of them was pretty big. This one is fairly small. The big one had the shift register initialized outside the loop so I don't think that's problem. It's curious that it worked when I moved the control out of the case I was trying to duplicate. The VI was even broken because I didn't bother to delete the wire after I moved the control. I've duplicated cases that have local variables and porperty nodes in them. Guess I'll have to do some more experimenting. George
  11. quote name='Justin Goeres' date='Sep 27 2007, 10:03 AM' post='36355'] I just tried this with a simple Case structure (T/F selector) and a DBL control terminal, and I was not able to reproduce it. Can you post more info about what's going on in/around the structure? Maybe a screenshot of (some portion of) the code? Here's a screen shot. The case I was duplicating was in the upper loop.
  12. When I try to duplicate a case in my case structure, LV crashes big time. :thumbdown: I tried it several times on one case and it crashed every time. Then I tried another case and it worked. I suspected that it happens if there's a control in the case so I removed the control and it duplicated fine. This has happened in at least 3 different VIs now. At least I'm ready for it now and make sure to save before trying it. This is definitely a bad bug. Anyone else seen this? George
  13. QUOTE(ned @ Sep 25 2007, 10:08 AM) Perfect. Thanks.
  14. I need to shut down a while loop that contains an event structure in a subVI that runs parallel to my main VI. I know I've seen this somewhere, but am not quite sure what to search for. Just a quick refresher of my options would be most appreciated. I've done it with a named timed loop that I can stop from the main VI, but somehow that seems clumsy. George
  15. How can I create a movie (WMV or AVI) of a VI? I want to create something for a presentation and would rather not install a big LV app. George
  16. QUOTE(wbiker @ Sep 7 2007, 02:28 AM) Are you using VISA? If you don't specifically close your VISA references that can cause your problem. I know, 'cause it's happened to me. George
  17. QUOTE(Gary Rubin @ Aug 28 2007, 09:31 AM) You guys are hijacking my thread. Could we please get back to the original question?
  18. QUOTE(Ben @ Aug 28 2007, 08:44 AM) Nope. Try again. That tiles the windows. I just realized it may not have been clear what I meant. I want to move the contents of the front panel so it puts the front panel origin at 0,0. Just like the FP.Origin node does. George
  19. I know how to home a front panel using property nodes, but I was wondering if there's a way to do it while editing the front panel. Some special key combination maybe? George
  20. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Aug 15 2007, 04:10 PM) Thanks for the encouraging words. We'll have data coming in from 32 stations from one test and probably 10 stations for another test. I was thinking that the server edition would be necessary. QUOTE It is also possible to do a lot of data exchange between LabVIEW and DIAdem but I found that it was generally easier to write the code as VBS scripts than to use the DIAdem VIs (and I'm a power LabVIEW programmer -- it may be easier/better now but the DIAdem-LabVIEW API was not great when I was using it). I heard that the LV interface from DIAdem 10.2 is supposed to be pretty good. I'll do whatever I can to avoid writing VB scripts. George
  21. Sorry if this is an inappropriate place to ask this, but since it's an NI product I thought it might fit. I'm looking at using DIAdem mainly for it's data finding ability. My boss is worried because no one else here is using it (this is a big place). But the systems that other departments do use aren't appropriate for our situation. I've put together a few demos with LV talking to DIAdem to retrieve data that work pretty well, but there's still the unknown of how well it will scale up when we start getting tons of data. I'm just wondering if anyone else has a success or horror story using DIAdem (10.0 or up). Thanks for any response, George
  22. QUOTE(jccorreu @ Aug 9 2007, 11:50 AM) You're lucky you don't have timed loops. They're nothing but trouble. Especially if you have more than one. George
  23. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Aug 9 2007, 11:09 AM) I know a good reason. Lots of us can't get to YouTube from work. George
  24. QUOTE(Ben @ Jul 31 2007, 02:13 PM) You are correct sir.
  25. QUOTE(Ben @ Jul 31 2007, 08:58 AM) Thanks for all the help everyone. After disabling various bits of code I finally tried replacing my timed loop with a regular loop. Bingo! I don't know why I keep using those things. They've bitten me a few times - especially when you've got two running in parallel. George
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