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george seifert

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Everything posted by george seifert

  1. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Feb 21 2008, 02:00 PM) I haven't been brave enough to venture into LVOOP yet. I suppose I should one of these days.
  2. What's the proper way to return a value (Boolean in this case) from a VI that was called by reference (with an invoke node)? I suppose using a global is possible, but I've more or less shuned them. George
  3. QUOTE(atilla @ Feb 14 2008, 08:29 AM) Here's my code. There will be some subvis missing, but you don't need them to see what's going on with the shift register. George http://lavag.org/old_files/post-2786-1203005679.vi'>Download File:post-2786-1203005679.vi
  4. That's odd. I'm doing something similar (2D array), initializing an array before the loop, sending it to a shift register and replacing array data within the loop. I'm not getting an allocation dot at the shift register. I'm using LV 8.5. George
  5. QUOTE(Zerobite @ Feb 12 2008, 02:05 PM) The "save_file_from_web.vi" (attached here) from the NI site appends [text] to the URL and uses a datasocket read. It downloads a file without any errors, but the file's empty. There must be something about digging down one level inside a web page that doesn't work. http://lavag.org/old_files/post-2786-1202848801.vi'>Download File:post-2786-1202848801.vi
  6. This is really more of an internet question than a LV question, but a similar situation was discussed before so I hope I'm safe. I'd like to download a file that's referenced in a web page. For example the web page is http://bayradio.com/kgo_archives/test.php?d=4. On that web page there are several links to files that can be downloaded. If I mouse over the file I want it shows a link like http://bayradio.com/kgo_archives/41400.mp3. I've tried the VIs found elsewhere on LAVA and the "save_file_from_web" VI at the NI site and it doesn't work to download directly from that URL. The question is why? If I type that URL into Firefox it'll download it and start playing the file. Actually the real question is how do you download from a link on a web page? George
  7. QUOTE(neB @ Feb 5 2008, 11:08 AM) Hmm, now you have me questioning my memory, but I'm pretty sure if you replace a VI with one of the same name that's not listed in the active project, then it will do it. George
  8. The other thing that worked was to disconnect all the type defs (better than deleting them) and them replace them with the new reference. Not too bad if there's only a few of them. Still I don't understand why it doesn't work like replacing a VI where it will replace all instances. George
  9. This is making me absolutely nuts. I have a strict type def in three places in my code. I want to replace that type def with a new one with the same name that's in a different directory. Every time I replace it (which proceeds without any warnings or problems) it reverts back to the original one. The only way I've been able to actually replace it is to delete every instance of the type def in my code and then put the new one in. Why the heck won't it let me do the replacement? George
  10. I've searched the NI site and the specs for the PXI-6733 and see no mention of glitches. The specs for other AO boards all list glitch values. Does anyone know if the PXI-6733 really not produces glitches or is this an oversight? George
  11. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Jan 4 2008, 04:06 AM) Perfect. Thanks. I thought it would be a system property. I never thought about it being task specific. George
  12. Is there a DAQmx property node for the # bits in a given card (e.g. 12 or 16 bits)? I've searched the property nodes, but I was wondering if I missed it or if there's another way to find out. George
  13. Here's my pound puppy. Lilah - a 2 year old Lab/Greyhound mix. Fastest dog I've ever seen. Can't believe she was about to be put down. :thumbdown:
  14. Try this. You'll need the Report Generation toolkit and LV 8.5 George Download File:post-2786-1197924521.vi
  15. I think I can put this to bed. It's not IMAQ. I'm pretty sure it's some VIs that I got from a consultant. I wasn't sure I had opened them the first time this happened, but I must have. The stuff they sent is a horrendous mess and fortunately I don't think I'll have to open it again.Thanks to all who chimed in. I know it was a difficult thing to try to debug.George
  16. This problem has taken an odd twist. I removed LV and DAQmx, reinstalled and finally got everything working. Now after loading the project I was working on the last time before I noticed the timed loops problem, the same thing happened again. There are no timed loops in this project and the only thing different about this project is that I make some IMAQ calls (none of my other projects use IMAQ). After closing this project and loading one that uses timed loops I get the same error about relating to the timed loops. How could loading a project corrupt my LV files? I'm going to keep investigating, but any insights about how this kind of corruption can occur would be most welcome. George
  17. OK, guys I need to get serious and back on track, please. I just repaired LV (8.5) overnight and rebooted. My VIs are still broken. Not only do I get the "The Governing Library is broken" for the timed loop, now I'm getting it on other built in VIs. What the heck is going on? I need to get this fixed. George
  18. Everything was going along fine - life was good. I was happily wiring on one project. I called up a project that was fine last time I edited it. Now all of the timed loops in it are broken. The error says the Governing Library is broken. I called up another project - same problem. Did aliens attack my PC? I can't figure out what happened. I rebooted, but it didn't help. Has anyone seen this? I suppose I need to reload LV (8.5) - although not the new one that just came. The warning letter is pretty ominous. George
  19. QUOTE(eaolson @ Dec 10 2007, 02:16 PM) Thanks. The Bi-linear is pretty good. Some slight artifacts, but tolerable. BTW, there aren't any noticeable artifacts with even the Zero Order with a 32 bit image. George
  20. QUOTE(shoneill @ Dec 10 2007, 02:08 PM) There are evenly spaced little squares (like a grid) over the whole picture. I'm using a grey scale 8 bit image. Maybe that makes a difference. Yep, both methods yield the same artifacts. George
  21. QUOTE(shoneill @ Dec 10 2007, 10:19 AM) Thanks. I missed that one. Unfortunately both methods introduce some funky artifacts in the image if you scale by something other than a power of 2. George
  22. Is it possible to scale an IMAQ image by something other than power of 2? I have two 640 x 480 images that I want to display side by side, but that gets kind of big for some screens. If I shrink the image by a half it's a little too small. I can't seem to find any way to scale the image by say 1/3. Am I missing something? George
  23. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Nov 29 2007, 11:41 AM) Well at least you know what to do now when it happens
  24. I have a VI that worked fine in 8.2. Now in 8.5 the label text for some booleans isn't returned from a property node anymore. Here's a shot of the loop I used to capture the event: Here's the CtlRef probe that gets fed to the property node: It clearly recognized the boolean and knows it's label content. A probe at the output of Label.Text on the property node says it's empty. I've tried deleting the boolean and created another one with the same results. The weird thing is there's one boolean on the front panel that's captured by this event that still works. What the heck is going on? George I solved it. I deleted the property node that gets the label text and created a new one. Very strange.
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