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    LabVIEW 2014
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  1. You will definitely have a more deterministic loop rate with a real-time solution, so long as your deterministic loop is coded to avoid jitter. The cDAQ 9135 does support NI Linux Real-Time, however I've never switched the OS from Windows to Linux personally. However, the source for NI Linux RT is open and available for download, so I would imagine that you could build or get an image of that distribution and install it as you would install Linux on any other machine. Link to the NI Linux source: https://github.com/ni/nilrt Some good info in this FAQ: https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-35053
  2. A brave soul, indeed! Considering it required me to run the installation three times (and on the third time manually disconnect all my external hard drives, optical drives, and peripherals) to get it to work... Can't say I'm too optimistic. Will report back when I've been running with it for a bit longer.
  3. It's hard to answer this with regards to your specific application without seeing some of the code-behind. If you'd post a snippet of how your tasks are configured and your DAQ read, that would be helpful!
  4. Thought I might just mention the player-role pattern for this application. The player in this case would be the BaseMessage, and each Role (Role1, Role2, etc.) would be a different message type. http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRNqGbKVQCBxYU8kakLJemmOrKhD4ezy1FhFrvdAqgdu3sMUrsrVNBr3SSX Just a thought I wanted to throw out there..
  5. I took a brief look at them and wasn't quite sure if they would do what I needed them to, but they might do the job. I will take another look and report back with the results
  6. Hello all, I am currently trying to create an HTTPS server with LabVIEW. I have been using the built in TCP VI's for communication with the server and client, however I would like to use SSL or TLS in order to encrypt the data that is being sent across the connection. I know that I can point to either the self-signed cert that comes packaged with LabVIEW, or the certificate that we have for our server on-site. I'm fairly certain that I can achieve this by building an assembly in .NET, and then using it in LabVIEW. I have looked around for TCP with TLS libraries for LabVIEW but could only found some out-of-date ones that didn't work with the newest version of LabVIEW. Do these libraries exist somewhere? And if not, is the .NET approach a solid idea? Thanks, Brandon Jones
  7. creating a LabVIEW API for Redmine.

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