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    LabVIEW 2014
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  1. I'm facing similar issue but with a different code 42308. Thanks @mattbaker.digital I could figure out that some controls and protected VIs in a class was causing this trouble. To add complexity, I have that class in a packed library. For now it got fixed when I made all of those class scope to public. Not an ideal solution to put all of them in public, but considering the project timeline to release, this is best to go ahead instead of dealing with this forever. Regards, Ajay.
  2. Could someone please convert this snippet to a .vi format here? I'm using LV-2016 and dropping this snippet in BD imports as simple PNG image. I hope if it's converted to .vi in LV2012, I can use it in LV2016.
  3. Then who's that guy who has LabVIEW logo in his arm?
  4. Is this Cesar Verdejo? Who is this guy..? Very crazy..!
  5. That looks like trial & error empirical and yes it's manual too... https://t.co/usTzqzqSkw

  6. I added a video to a @YouTube playlist https://t.co/QGNTlTEhRB Meet Yourself: A User's Guide to Building Self-Esteem: Niko Everett at

  7. #YogaDay with children looks funny all time ? https://t.co/lG0qSCYxYo

  8. Oh that's fine. Hope to catch next time @RahmanNow .. Bon voyage!

  9. Videocon D2H Recent Update on May 2016: https://t.co/JXpFhxUx6V via @YouTube

  10. RT @NI_India_: Download the #NIYANTRA 2016 Rulebook &submit your abstract by May 21 https://t.co/hQM21UElO9 https://t.co/bnIqyPDkG5

  11. Adding C# Class Libraries into LabVIEW Applications https://t.co/JWMyrJgpnP via @labvolution @gregory_payne Thanks!

  12. Voted for Tamilnadu election... https://t.co/YBrOFjZ8ZU

  13. Happy 40th b'day #NI.. Happy 30th b'day my lovable #LabVIEW. I'm still unequal to your age of experience. May u live long & forever..! :-)

  14. @bkrishn @FreeCodeCamp 1. Yes. Need to improve. 2. I'm learning web tech. Tribute page is first project and I chose G.D. ?

  15. I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/n1NBKkvRVc How to setup Java in Sublime Text 3 - (OS - Windows)

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