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Everything posted by NMarsh94

  1. I figured it out! If you want to see the final product, I attached it. Enjoy Tic Tac Toe.zip Moderator Comment: It's been reported that there are missing VIs to this attachment.
  2. First off, neil, fantastic xkcd haha. And curiouspuya, I'm not really looking for an algorithm actually. That was my first thought, but I'm not skilled enough yet in LabVIEW to work with them just yet. I was more along the lines trying to use Random Number In Range (OpenG) to pick a number 0 through 9 for an index of sorts (as you see, I converted my cluster to a 1D Array) and start at the nearest integer to search for an open spot. In this case, an open spot would be a picture ring value of 0. If the player is X, and the open spot is available, the computer would place an O. Vice versa applies. So, is there anyway I can do basically what I just described using clusters? Also, thank you for your compliment!
  3. I'm making a Tic Tac Toe game using a cluster of 9 picture rings to represent X, O, or a blank spot. If I were to be doing a one player game vs the computer, is there a way I could make the computer make a move? I've tried a few things, and none of them worked. If you want to see the VI, which isn't finished nor cleaned up yet, I have it attached. Thanks Tic Tac Toe Game.zip
  4. I get it now!! Thanks everyone so much!
  5. Thank you todd! Hooovahh, another question for you. Why did you include a "stop" event case? Couldn't you have just wired the stop button to the "or" function outside the event structure, but inside the while loop? Just to be clear, I'm not criticizing, just curious. Maybe I'm missing something is all haha.
  6. First off, thank you everyone for your help! I really appreciate it!! On a more personal scale... ShaunR - How do you know that math there? Also, I'm more or less using a range (halfway between each semitone +/- 1 Hz) to show the note. Sounds a little weird maybe, but I usually keep my guitar in tune but don't always know what note I play. So there's a chance that these notes played won't be EXACTLY what the frequency of a note actually is. So how can I use this math to keep my ranges? ned - Great idea!! hooovahh - Your edited VI and information/advice is impeccable. I can't thank you enough. My only question is how do I get to checking the "Detected Amplitude" from a cluster? Like, which cluster are you talking about and how do I do it? Also, my profile does say I use 2012, although it says I started in 2011. Thanks again everyone. hooovahh - scratch that question about the detected amplitude. Feeling stupid now haha.
  7. I'd appreciate anyone who could give me some pointers as to how to make this (attached) VI better. I'm new to LabVIEW. Any tips or comments would be great. Please keep in mind, This does EVERYTHING it's supposed to do, and I'm quite happy with this. All I'm looking to do is make it more efficient/cleaner/better if possible. However, if there is some function I can add that will do that, I'm happy to make some changes! The purpose of the VI is to recognize notes played by my guitar and display which note is being played via Boolean. Each note has a certain range of frequencies for each octave, which I have programmed into the case structure which can be seen. The values cover a total of 8 or 9 different octaves. The only issue I've had since the beginning (and I don’t know how to fix) is that on my waveform chart, a frequency averaging around 100 Hz is being plotted, even if nothing is plugged in. It isn’t that big of a deal, but if this was going to a customer, for them I’m sure it would be. Clearly, this is going to be a tad difficult to test yourself. In order to connect my guitar, I used this cord: https://www.google.com/shopping/product/2590944652720646368?hl=en&sugexp=les;&gs_rn=1&gs_ri=serp&tok=DuO5-FOT3EN7z5tMt31Gwg&pq=guitar+to+microphone+jack&cp=11&gs_id=1k&xhr=t&q=griffin+guitarconnect&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&oq=griffin+gui&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1600&bih=775&tch=1&ech=15ψ=lT4JUZCzJvKw0QGX0YBY.1359560370418.1&sa=X&ei=uz4JUYvSAePV0gGZjICADQ&sqi=2&ved=0CKIBEMwD If there are questions, just post here. Thanks! Note Recognizer.zip
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