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Everything posted by alphaone

  1. Thanks, it works. but i must re-arrange the layout.
  2. ohhhhhh. i don't understand the meaning of "bonafide", i can't find it in my translation software. lol i have another question : how to use the VI refnum programtically??as we know, we must select a vi server manuelly ,and i want to use vi path as a parameter to set the vi refnum when the program is running.Can it work?? Thanks.
  3. ok,the attachment is the strange BP vi.i delete the non-relative parts. i hope that's not a bug. good luck. Download File:post-2988-1129107011.vi
  4. Thank pbrooks100 and Michael_Aivaliotis,i have some ideas.but i didn't install the OpenG,so how can i write and read the cluster from file dynamically?just like the "Serialize" in VC.
  5. Nothing ,LV can not find anything......
  6. Hi, my work is to construct a automatic testing system of mobile phone. At first ,i must read the test parameters from an INI file that writen by Excel. but, the format and content of this file is changed frequently.so i have to change the reading file and write file module. it is worse that i was told to add the testing item in my work.so i have to add some new parameter into the INI file.but,the whole structure of the testing program must be changed totally!BTW,the program is so complexed, i don't wanna see some "insane object" appear in my vi,so ,changing the structure of the whole program is impossible. Is thers some good method to sovle this case? The interface of testing program had better to be fixed. Thanks .
  7. But this sequence is so big and many registers connected into it.it's impossible to rebuild it.
  8. Hi, I set a breakpoint on outer frame of the Sequence .and it can not be deleted! There is always a red rectangle on the frame!! Somebody helps me.
  9. Now I develop by this structure" TestStand + LV". Because TestStand can provide a "Frame" for your testing flow.But ,in LV,the control of test flow is so complex.I use LV just to develop a test case.
  10. Thank Michael and jeffreyhabets. I think what confused me is how to convert the conventional progromming methodology to the LV's. Sometimes I found it's so urgly and reduntent if I change a value of an array by using "Replace Array Subset" that input an array by value and must connect output to an other array. So ,just like this simple example ,i have to use 2 locals.
  11. Hi everybody, as we all know, Labview is a data-flow programming language,everything must "flow in" from left and "flow out" to the right. I can't convert this programming style from general language. Here is an example that add 1 to itself. in C. the code is :number += 1; in lv,it looks like the following picture. I feel it's so bad, but I have no other way. Somebody can bring me a new idea?? Thanks.
  12. Hi all,i have a complex testing flow that presented by 20 "Flat Sequences " embeded in a main while loop. The button "Stop" on the FP controls the testing process to stop. what confused me is how to implement this function? because you can stop the testing at any time.and testing process how to know it should stop and return? And how to immediatelly stop without waiting? What i mean "stop" is terminate the testing process, not the VI,it can still start a test later. Thanks. BR.
  13. :thumbup: Yes!that's it! Thank you very much. i found that the mouse must move to the right end of "T" bar,i think maybe you must chose the 100% transparent.
  14. Use "Set Color" tool ,table bk color can not be changed,but sometime can! It's determined by the position of mouse in the "color select panel". It happens not frequently,but it exists! if i wanna change the table bk color,only method is programming ,why Labview didn't process this like CVI easily?
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