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Posts posted by jhoskins

  1. That would be a viable option if I was only displaying information, but it also controls the equipment. I know you do not know my system and are only offering help and I greatly appreciate it. Thank you and I always learn new things when I post on here.

  2. 1 minute ago, Rolf Kalbermatter said:

    I would likely use a Table or MultiColomn List Control.

    That seems like a lot of work just to put everything that the VI shown in a subpanel can do. There are several controls and indicators on the VI that is in the Sub panel. Could you show me an example of what you are suggesting? 

  3. How else would you suggest to show the information needed at 1 time on the main front panel? I use the DQMH framework and clone the VI and put that VI in subpanel on the main UI. I have been doing it this way for a long time now and have tested it up to 200 and have seen any issues. Updates coming in are really slow as the cameras send out status updates every minute. Realistically it is around 25 panels but it depends on how many cameras need to be monitored and controlled. But lets not get caught up in that, in general I would just like to learn to use Francois tool to programmatically align controls and indicators in a grid pattern based on screen size.  Similar to what Shaun is showing above. (Nice VI by the way, mind sharing?)

  4. Hey Francois and team. I know this is an old thread but was not sure where to post the topic. I am having trouble using the UI tools to create a grid of subpanel controls based on screen size. I have several hundred Sub-panels that need to be positioned in a grid pattern. 

    I am having a hard time with setting the next control beside the other one and moving to a new row. Could you help me out. LabVIEW just crashed on me so I will post what I have done in a few.

  5. I would have to say that I am not walled off because of LabVIEW. In fact it is because of LabVIEW that I am where I am today. Before i learned LabVIEW I was just an ordinary electronics technician. Then i learned LabVIEW and that sparked an interest in software development. Now I am pursuing my Master's in computer science. My Job pays a lot better than it did. I am proficient in many more programming languages and that has broadened my career extensively.

    When I am designing a test set or anything for that matter. I use the tool that is the best for the job. Is it ALWAYS an NI product, do I always use LabVIEW, no, I use the right tool for the job that is going to give me the results that I want and need. I will not use a wrench to turn a screw made for a screwdriver.

    Just my 2 cents

    "I'm in a cube, Walls we don't need no stinking walls"

  6. There's an NI LabVIEW user group meeting near me next week. I've never attended one before, but I just moved and have been trying to meet people in my new location. Has anyone attended one of these and found them helpful, fun, informative, worthwhile?

    All of the above. I regularly attend\ help host the one in my area. I find it is a real good place to meet and network with people.

  7. Ok everyone. After waiting too damn long for this supposed 're-architecture' to be released, it's almost time.

    I'm sorry to say, but I work at a place saturated by over-achievers and it takes most of my time just to keep up w/ all of them.

    But that being said, I am going to be hosting a webinar for those of you interested this Wednesday at 5pm CST.

    I will be posting the web-ex info here soon after I get some people to reply and agree upon the timing.

    What I will do is review the changes, the why's and hows and get feedback for possible changes.

    For reference, most of the changes came directly from you all (although, there are still no cascaded commands)

    Thank you all for the feedback and please accept my apologies for not tending to this thread better.

    If you have 2009 available, get it installed as I've been doing my development in it, but haven't used any 09 features that would prevent a rollback to 8.6 once done.


    got it on my calendar. Cant wait, see you then

  8. Homeschooling does ROCK. Where else can you take your kid to NI week and count it as a school activity.

    Your kids are blessed. thumbup1.gif

    I would say that is the other way around. Meaning that i am blessed to be a Father of such a kid. He is so outgoing, talks to everyone, and learns everything that he can about everyone and everything he comes into contact with. i'm sure one day when he is using LV2020 he will be on here answering my questions about LV. rolleyes.gif

  9. Yes. Homeschoolers are allowed to buy the LabVIEW Student edition. (Good idea, by the way. thumbup1.gif )

    From the Acedemic Superstore website you can get the LVSE for $80 as long as you can provide one of the following:

    Membership in Home School Association

    Receipt for Home School Curriculum

    Letter of intent to home school from a state agency

    The only reason I knew how to get this info so quickly is that I was looking to get LVSE for myself. Hey, I consider myself a life-long student, but alas I don't meet any requirements to get LVSE. angry.gif

    I am homeschooling my kids as well. You can get a copy of the Student edition for homeschoolers, in fact NI encourages this. I teach a class to several homeschool kids. I talked to NI and with the help of my local rep, I was able to get some free copies of LVSE. granted they were LV8.2 but they were free.

    Here is a picture of my son with James Kring (He thinks James is a LV god) He wrote his first program when he was only 10 and his project for the class was to make a radar gun for hot wheels cars. We took a Hot wheels car ramp and some photo diodes (I think, its been a while) the kids had to write a program that read the start and the stop with a NI 6008 and calculate the time and how fast the car was going. Very neat project, they loved it.


    Hope this helps,

    • Like 2
  10. Hello friends,

    I am planning to learn LABVIEW and try to obtain a CLAD. Which book is the best to learn to prepare for CLAD exam?

    I current have a LEARNING WITH LABVIEW 6i book. I don't know this book has sufficent info or not. Please give me some advices.

    Thanks for your help in advance.


    The best book to get for learning LabVIEW is: LabVIEW for Everyone, Third edition, written by James Kring and Jeffrey Travis

    James Kring is a regular here on LAVA and the owner of JKI. Which produces a very wonderful tool called VIPM.

  11. I did that once. Now I am doing ALMOST EVERYONE's jobs:frusty:

    Man have been in your shoes before. It bites because you want to help people out and they take advantage of you. What you have to do is eventually let that person sink or swim so to speak. The best advice was given above. Let him struggle, or better yet make sure management sees him struggle. i really love the people I work with. Would do just about anything for them, but if they get to be LAZY and stop doing their own work and leaving me holding the bag. then you better believe that I will open my big mouth and say something to them or to management.

    Dont take on his work. You will regret it in the end. Cause if you do a good job on his project, he will probably get promoted or even worse they may decide to keep him and let you go.

    New quote for sig: "Stupid makes me angry, thats why I constantly stay mad at myself"

  12. OOP.

    Depending on how you prefer to learn, you may want to grab a good book and stick to "low fidelity prototypes" (pencil & paper) rather than learning the oddities and corners of LVOOP.

    Joe Z.

    I would strongly suggest that you learn LVOOP. Tomi Maila has some good examples on ExpressionFlow


    Scripting is "cool" but OOP is more practical and beneficial to learn.

    just my 2 cents

  13. I am having a problem with subpanels. I want to be able to do the following:

    Have a main panel that includes the Subpanel.

    Load a vi into the Subpanel note that the vi may not be known until runtime but for proof of concept I hard coded a path. the problem is that it works in the developement environment but not when built into an EXE i keep getting error 1003 stating that the vi is broken or that some subvi's are missing, the subvi that is being loaded into the panel only has a while loop, stop button, and a button that displays the express vi display message to user. Ultimately i would like to be able to have a generic upper level vi and be able to load any vi that is on the machine in to it.

    I have looked around and I am implementing the design idea that crelf posted about subpanels, although i cannot find the link at the moment.

    Any suggestions


  14. Yes, that's what I was expecting, but I notice 2 things:

    • I cannot collapse (which was a I function I really liked)
      It shows 'Comment' when it should say 'Reply'


    I am having a problem with the portal page as well. When th page is first opened and I click on a discussion, it takes me to the forums page (not to the discussion) then if i click the browser back button and then click on the discussion it takes me to the correct place. Probably just my corpoarte machine but I am just letting you know.

    I love the new LAVA, you all did a great job

  15. QUOTE (mesmith @ Mar 24 2009, 12:26 PM)

    Also for more information about using labview with Excel you can have a look at the example called Write table to Excel. you can find the example by using the example finder.

    You can also have at look at the Excel thread. :thumbup:

  16. Thanks Crelf,

    I went throught the courses a few years ago and have been applying what I learned in those courses eversince. My partnet in LV crime here just went through the course a couple of days ago and has the updated book and materials for 8.6. I plan on going through this material again as a refresher before I take the exam. I think I will do OK on it. I guess I just have pre-exam jitters.

    Thanks again,

    QUOTE (neB @ Jan 16 2009, 04:04 PM)

    But durring the exam....

    Keep in mind that this is the exam that will prove you know how to code in LV and they actually expect you to demonstrate you know how to develop in LV, so...

    make sure you document what you are planning to write so that in the event you do not finish and the code does not run, the grader wil still be able to access your LV skills based on what you said you wanted to do. I hve never been dinged for spelling or grammer on any of those exams so just type as fast as you can!


    So another good key is to follow the style guidelines and DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT everything. Controls, indicators, block diagram, tip strips, states of the state machine. Everything right.

    I will definetely keep this in mind while going through the test. I do this a lot anyway because I develope test sets for the PCB boards here and we have to make our test sets to where a "Monkey" (Pardon me if this offends the Monkey) can do it.

    Like I said before, it is just probably Pre-test jitters,


  17. Thanks Crelf,

    I went throught the courses a few years ago and have been applying what I learned in those courses eversince. My partnet in LV crime here just went through the course a couple of days ago and has the updated book and materials for 8.6. I plan on going through this material again as a refresher before I take the exam. I think I will do OK on it. I guess I just have pre-exam jitters.

    Thanks again,

    QUOTE (neB @ Jan 16 2009, 04:04 PM)

    But durring the exam....

    Keep in mind that this is the exam that will prove you know how to code in LV and they actually expect you to demonstrate you know how to develop in LV, so...

    make sure you document what you are planning to write so that in the event you do not finish and the code does not run, the grader wil still be able to access your LV skills based on what you said you wanted to do. I hve never been dinged for spelling or grammer on any of those exams so just type as fast as you can!


    So another good key is to follow the style guidelines and DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT everything. Controls, indicators, block diagram, tip strips, states of the state machine. Everything right.

    I will definetely keep this in mind while going through the test. I do this a lot anyway because I develope test sets for the PCB boards here and we have to make our test sets to where a "Monkey" (Pardon me if this offends the Monkey) can do it.

    Like I said before, it is just probably Pre-test jitters,


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