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Posts posted by jhoskins

  1. Hi folks,

    first of all ,sorry for bother you with this request but I need to do it. Please, see attached file, they belong to OGIC_SMTP library used to send e-mails through SMTP protocol, it was modified by smercurio(NI forum)from the original version found at OPENG. The thing is that the versions attached are for L.V 8.2 and L.V 8.0 and I'd appreciate someone who could recompile for L.V 7.1, which is the one I'm working nowdays.

    Thanks for your time and support. :worship:



    I would suggest that you download the VI package manager from JKI engineering and this will solve your problem and give you all OpenG packages for each version of LV thatyou have installed. You can search on VIPM.

  2. Bryan

    i would have to agree with what Ben mentioned about looking at the smaller companies who dont have so many "filters" between you and the job you are after...


    p.s. i am in the same boat that you are in , my title is Test Enginner and like you i don't have a degree... i have kicked around looking for a new job , but , as of yet i havent been to serious about it , i may be in the spring though...

    Good Luck

    I am in the pretty much the same boat as the rest of you. Although I have a BAS in EET from ITT. It is where i got my degree from that holds me back from getting the higher paying jobs even though I have the skills and good credentials as soon as they see i did not get my degree from a four year university I'm out without even getting to say a word or put my foot in the door. That is why now I have found a school that will accept most of my credits and will give me a four year college degree.

  3. But the student edition is "Labview 2" and it sells for $1,300. :o

    Maybe they're throwing in one of those old Macs with it so you can run it.

    Although, it also seems to have a door.

    I've never seen a copy of LV with a door, so maybe it's worth it? :P

    We found this door when we opened up the scripting properties :) . Now it is visual for all to see :beer:

  4. I looked at your code, you can't just "write" to a file with a .xls extension, and expect it to read back into excel. You'll have to go through excel's active X implimentation. Take a look at this post for more help. BTW, use the search link for our forums, it can help you solve problems like these.

    You can also look over on the NI site :book: at the excel board. in their there are many examples of how to do this

  5. :headbang: Y'know, I STILL can't get this to work under LV8 - I've moved the code into a project (a step long overdue anyway), created a .ctl file w/in the project, &c., and gone back over your steps, and no joy. Did I mention that the containing object for the table is not the FP directly, but one of the pages of a tab control? You don't suppose this has anything to do with the behavior?

    It's just a little wish - just one of those UI dress-ups you turn your attention to when the project has reached the 90%+ functional mark. :angry:

    Thanks again for all the experimentation on my behalf.



    Are you sure that you dragged the control fromn the project onto the the front panel. Even when I do this with the tab control I get the same results.

    Which version of LV are you using. 8 or 8.2 or something in between for now. I have all. Let mw know so that I can try to help you troubleshoot this in the same version that you are using.

  6. So far I'm unable to get this to work - I recreated the customized control w/in a LV 8.0 project, along with a VI which uses it, but it still seems to show the default scrollbar appearance once reloaded. Sorry, but can you give me a step-by-step of how you did this workaround?

    Thanks so much to you and to Scott for knocking this around - this is why I love the online LabVIEW community so much.



    First off just turning it into a project works great witout any little quirks, which I found investigating this morning.

    Steps I took: 8.20

    1. open labview and create a new project
    2. right click on my computer and select new control
    3. customize control as you wish--I did not use a type def I just did a regular control
    4. save control
    5. right click on my computer again and select new VI
    6. Here is where the little quirks come in-- If you open the contol via control pallettes and select control then nothing is kept it is just the same BUG as noted before, But if you drag the control onto the front panel from the project explorer then the control is fine.
    7. Save VI
    8. Save project.

    I would say that this is a BIG BUG. :thumbdown: Doing it this way is not much of a work around but it is a way to get what you want. it is just a shame that you cannot save a control the way you want it and have it stay that way.

    It's funny how we can get Labview to do anything we want except for what we want it to do. :throwpc:

  7. Thanks, Scott, for confirming this... I neglected to add that I did observe this behavior when I checked a LV version *ahem* between 8 and 8.20.

    And just now I opened my typedef file and Hey Presto! there's my 'fat' scrollbar... so your observations about the order of opening TD vs. VI seem to be confirmed. If only there were a way to trick LV into using all the custom control's attributes when on the FP....


    I just figured out something else, If I do everything you say I can recreate what you see. But in LV 8.20 if you open a blank project and then do everything from inside the project the VI and controls are just fine. And they also are able to be built into an EXE OK.

    It also does not matter if the control is type def'd or not.



    I am playing with ways to clean up a front panel, and want to give the user the ability to hide/unhide graph palettes without assuming that they know about the right click > Visible Items technique.

    I've run into a problem when trying to use the ScaleLegendVis property node for an intensity graph. When I try to run the attached VI, and set Graph Palette Visible to true, it works as expected with no problem.

    However, when I try to make the Scale Legend visible programatically, LV freezes up.

    I noticed if I right click and select Visible Items while the VI is running, Scale Legend is disabled. The help for the property node says that Scale Legend Visible is settable while the VI is running.

    Is the documentation for that property wrong? Is it not really settable while running?



    I used this with version 7.1 and it locked up as you said, then I used it in 8.20 and it worked just fine. Maybe it is a bug in 7.1.

  9. James,

    I tried your file and it works. Your Main.vi in it's current format only allows for one copy of the template to be loaded at a time. For my app I'm planning on having separate instances of the template running at the same time. I modifed your version to open several copies, keeping track of the references in the parent. This worked as well. For the app I have I will be setting up Ques for comms between the caller and each .vit instance. I'll try coding in an exit routine which will tell the parent to close the reference when the child window wants to exit. This should minimize the memory footprint over time.

    Thanks for this, it definatley points me in the right direction for this app.


    I have tried both solutions and both of them work, however it is a good idea to explicitly close references yourself.

  10. I tried to build an exe-file in LV 8.20 with my own icon. When I select my own icon, then exit the application builder screen, the project window hangs. LabVIEW does not hang completely, but the project window stops responding. This is confirmed on two PCs it doesn't seem to matter what icon I use .

    recreate bug like this:

    1. Create a new project and save it.

    2. Add an icon to the project.

    3. Create a Build specification: Application (EXE)

    4. Deselect "Use the default LabVIEw icon file" and browse for your own icon in the project.

    5. Notice that the standard icon is still visible in the preview and not your icon.

    6. Click OK on the "My Application Properties" window. LabVIEW project window no longer responds.

    When I was verifying this for the tenth time, suddenly it worked, the icon preview immediately changed to my custom icon and the project window did not hang. But the next four times I tried, it did hang.

    I'm attaching a zip-file with icon and project.

    I just reported this to NI.

    I could not reproduce this BUG with any of my icon files or yours. it worked just fine every time.

  11. Hello everyone, I wonder if anyone can advise me what is happening in this VI? (Note that my VI is only partially completely for its purpose.)

    I have an array that is generated outside the 'for' loop. All I want to do is to use the 'for' loop and get a subset of the externally-generated array. The 2 'for' loops are used to calculate the index of the required subset of the array.

    However, when I do the wiring, it seems to be that the external for loop is truncating my 2D array into a 1D array. What is happening here? Is there any way I can pass in an externally-generated 2D array into the 'for' loops for subsequent processing?


    Right click on the input terminal of the for loops ans disable auto-indexing this will stop the for loop from indexing the array at the input.

  12. Hello

    I have searched long for a Multiturn dial, like a 10 turn potmeter control.

    The only one i found was a picture control from SGCTek.

    I wanted not to use a picture control for my application so i build my own.

    If you can use it see the attached vi, please let me know if you have any suggestion for improvements.


    I've always used the ones from here

  13. Here is a VERY simple example of how I would handle the situation. I am in LV 8...

    This solution does not fit his needs as he has described. If I understand the question correctly. What you are saying is that you want to use a while loop to process something then wait ten minutes and process again but you want to implement a sort of emergency stop were the user may not be able to wait the ten minutes. if this is the case i would suggest that you use JP's suggestion.

  14. The reason you do not see them is because you do not have the scripting features enabled. go to the scripting forum here on lava and put the features in your labview ini folder and then restart labview and you will see them.

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