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Posts posted by orko

  1. hi, i'm a student and new to Labview.

    i'm facing some problem here. i'm using "Equal" to compare 2 value, so the it return 2D-array of boolean. i need to connect it to a boolean to show both value is equal. so what should i do? anyone has any idea?

    what should i do to connect "Equal" to boolean (boolean is a LED in Front Plane)??

    thank you! :)


    It would help if we had a little more information. What are the values you are comparing? Are you using the blue Express "Comparison" VI or the little yellow triangle "=" operator?

    I'm assuming since you are getting a 2D boolean array out of it that you are comparing two 2-D boolean arrays?

    Thanks for clarifying,

    Joe (orko)

  2. Yes, the 'ViewDistance' property did the trick! Thanks much!

    Now: I only wish I could smoothen the axes label fonts and flip them by 180 deg. Otherwise all is set!


    Not sure what you mean by "flipping" them, but you can play with the fonts in the property browser under "PlotTemplate->X/YAxis->Labels->Font"

    You can invert the whole axis by making "PlotTemplate->X/YAxis->Inverted"=True. This flips the plot and axis labels 180 degrees. This may be what you were after.

    Joe (orko)

  3. New rev to fix the following:

    1) Button 1 clicks are now the only ones which enable moving

    2) Disable comment added.

    I was getting some freaky behavior when mousing off of the right-click menu items, so I enabled only Button 1 (left click on most mice) for movement.

    Also, added in a comment explaining that by disabling a control (such as an array or waveform graph) lets the operator click anywhere on it to move it.

    ... still trying to find time to make this a subVI ;)

    Download File:post-3266-1140020604.vi

    LV 7.0

    Joe (orko)

  4. Hello!

    I've just started this thread to greet you all my G-programming fellows. I found out this forums and realized that there are a lot of LabVIEW masters around here so I thought it would be a great idea to be part of this community!!



    Welcome Robst, may you find the help useful and find it rewarding to be helping others here at LAVA.

    Joe (orko)

  5. I'm a bit disappointed that they don't send you the answers to the questions you got wrong, though.

    As am I. What good is a number if you can't learn from your mistakes???

    I thought I was doing alright but only received a 32, which is barely squeaking by. Granted, I took it in 25 minutes and wasn't in the "mindset" to take the test, but would still like to know what I need to work on....?

    I felt real confused when the window just closed on me after question #40 and took me to the LV homepage... No "test completed" page? I was lucky that I caught the email in my inbox with my score. If it was an email account that I checked less frequently, it would have bothered me until I found it.

    Another thing I noticed is that you can't go back and retake the test once you've passed. Personally, I would think that passing it earns the right to take it again(or at least review your answers), shouldn't it? What is the purpose of limiting it to just one time? How long are you locked out of the test until you can re-take it (if you passed)? I'm assuming you can retake as many times as you like if you fail?

    Joe (orko)

  6. Hi:

    Regarding the LV 3-D plot, when hiding all planes and leaving say the X-Y plane only, and then viewing it from the top, the plot area covers less than 60% of the plot area size. Is there a way to increase the size of the X-Y plot to cover more of this object's overall plot area.

    In other words, the 3D plot leaves alot of white space when viewed in 2-D mode. Is there a way to re-size it so as to recover the white space?


    In LV 7.1.1, you could use the "ViewDistance" property in the property browser (basically "zooming" in on the plot). I don't have my LV 8.0 in front of me to compare though.


    Joe (orko)

  7. As for the subpanels, this is where I would bundle the many (20+) boolean data and send it to the vi that's embedded in a subpanel. From your reply, it sounds like bundling anything into clusters does do a hit on the performance... so I'll avoid it.

    I wouldn't write off clusters so soon, since it sounds like your alternative is to wire 20+ boolean controls to a subVI? I'm fairly certain that would fall under the category of "overcrowded" :)

    I don't believe that bundling would cause very much if any performance hit on your application, and would save tremendously on portability and maintainability of the code in later projects. Can you imagine dropping this subVI into a new VI and wiring each input up individually? Whereas with a cluster it's as easy as "create control" and you get all of the controls you need inside the cluster already labeled and GTG.

    Now if you were passing along large sets of data, clustering probably wouldn't be the way to go.


    Joe (orko)

  8. I'd like it if there were local's that didn't have a front panel item to hide. I use them infrequently but in large applications they seem to be the best way to sync parallel loops.

    I also think there should be a way to label an indexed array item. There is no way to do this right now in 7.0, maybe in 7.1?

    Just to be clear, what do you mean exactly by "label an indexed array item"? It seems to me that arrays are indexed elements, and clusters are labeled controls. If you label 5 items in an indexed array and add a new element, what do you label the new one? What you may be after is an enum, or a ring?

    Thanks for clarifying,

    Joe (orko)

  9. Sorry for the late reply but the only place I can test the program is at University.

    When I tested that modified program for some reason it didnt do anything at all, even though as you said that i can just send the comands as usual it didnt pick up anything and i didnt recieve anything neither. The LV program never terminated neither. Looks like it was waiting for 250 characters on the buffor or something. One thing that i totally forgot to test was the portmon program to check that what am i actually sending through the hyperterminal and what am I sending through the LV. apart from that i have no idea.

    Please let me know if you have any other tricks that might solve this matter as I onyl have 1 month to go.

    thnx again

    Two things I may suggest when testing WMassey's VI are:

    1) make sure you are selecting the proper VISA resource name for your system for COM1 on your system. Unless you have aliases already set up, it will most likely be something like "ASRL1::INSTR".

    2) Make sure you wait at least ten seconds after hitting "send" before giving up on the reply. That is what the timeout is set to in the configuration here, and since you said you probably are only getting back ~5 bytes, you'll hit the timeout for sure unless you lower the buffer to something less than 5 (although I would lower the timeout myself).


    Joe (orko)

  10. Maybe I'm missing something easy but how does one go about displaying only found and avail serial ports to the user in a nice "user friendly" name like COM1 instead of ASRL1::INSTR.

    Thanks in advance.

    I did user the;


    Alias0 = "'LPT1','ASRL10::INSTR'"

    Alias1 = "'COM1','ASRL1::INSTR'"

    Alias2 = "'COM2','ASRL2::INSTR'"

    Alias3 = "'COM3','ASRL3::INSTR'"

    Alias4 = "'COM4','ASRL4::INSTR'"

    Alias5 = "'COM5','ASRL5::INSTR'"

    Alias6 = "'COM6','ASRL6::INSTR'"

    Alias7 = "'COM7','ASRL7::INSTR'"

    Alias8 = "'COM8','ASRL8::INSTR'"

    NumAliases = 9

    to get those friendly names but now they're ALL listed to the user when only a couple are really there. My other alternative is to do a polling of the serial ports to see which one is most likely the port with the hardware connected... totally removing the user from the picture :D

    The VISA resource name (taken off of the reference output of an Visa Open primative) can be wired to a Instrument property node that gives you all kinds of information about the devices. One of these properties is the Interface Information:Interface Description property which will spit out things like "ASRL1 (COM1 - Communications Port)" or "ASRL10 (LPT1 - ECP Printer Port)" which can be parsed easily for COM1 or LPT1.

    If you wire a "VISA Find Resource" with a search query like "ASRL?*INSTR" and wire the output array to a FOR loop, you can iterate through them getting those human read-able names.

    Of course, that may not be the easiest way, but it seems to be the least dependant on machine specific things such as aliases.


    Joe (orko)

  11. If anyone knows about the timing of an 8.1 release, please give us a hint. I have found LV 8.0 to be extremely buggy, and am in the midst of tweaking/hacking all my projects to get around the numerous bugs. Perhaps I won't have to fix quite so much after 8.1 comes out. What's the projected timetable?

    That screenshot seems to have been from a temporary glitch in the NI force protection grid. 8.1's not in the options anymore.

    From a fairly reliable source: 8.0.1 is scheduled for Q3 2006. That's as good as I have right now.

    Joe (orko)

  12. The need for moveable control objects is quite common in near-real time, large user base, highly dynamic environments (games :D ). The tight binding between front panel and code make it a little less common in the LV world.

    If you haven't seen it before, check out the example in your LabVIEW folder at examples/general/dynamicevents.llb/Dynamically Register For Events.vi for another method of moving controls while running.

    Thanks for the example pointer. I knew I had seen it done somewhere before...

    It's funny, the thought of making a LED indicator (round and rectangle) version of BlackOut came to my mind as I was wiring this up! Hehe... I wonder how Battle Tank or Tempest would look in an XY plot... Probably much better than the originals!

    Defender of the Pong,

    Joe (orko)

  13. Sorry, but I just don't get why you would want to move controls around while running??

    If you want to display different controls in the same spot, use a tab control with all the controls and flip programmatically to the required tab sheet.


    Someone asked if it was possible. :D

    Actually it was a request from info-labview where the requirements were for raw display of multiple arrays wth indeterminate sizes, with the ability to compare side by side with large data sets. Evidently screen real estate was limited and they wanted a way to move the data sets around to compare against each other. Other than that I don't know much about the usefulness of this, but I've been fooled in the past thinking that I would never use a tool until that one fateful day... :rolleyes:


    Joe (orko)

  14. I whipped this up to enable dragging (selected) controls around on the FP while the VI was running. Of course, comments would be most welcome.

    I'm working on an optional perimeter check to make sure that the control doesn't get "hidden" off of the FP, and making this a sub-VI with a configurable input array of control refs (if possible). Are there any other useful features I could put in?

    Download File:post-3266-1139872912.vi

    Joe (orko)

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