Joining an I32 with a U16 returns a corrupt result when the U16 source is a cluster. No coercion dot warning, may indicate that LV doesn't automatically handle the different data types on a join function at all.
Workaround: use a U16 to I32 converter before joining the numbers.
That's exactly what a polymorphic vi is for. Yes, you do have to create a bunch of VI's (one for each type), but I think it'll be faster then any varient type casting.
Is it possible to access NI-DAQmx hardware via NI-VISA remotly?
I'm trying to do the samething you can do with Traditional DAQ and RDA Server.
I'm using:
NI-DAQmx version 8.0
NI-VISA version 3.6
Note that a boolean in labview is actually 8bits. I would typecast the double array into an array of U32's then convert each U32 into a boolean array using the Number to Boolean function if you need an array of booleans.