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Dan DeFriese

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Everything posted by Dan DeFriese

  1. Dan DeFriese


    QUOTE (vultac @ Nov 14 2008, 07:29 AM) 1) Determine what the output of the sensor/transducer is. 2) Determine what the input requirements are for your DAQ device. 3) Determine what signal conditioning is needed (e.g. amplification, attenuation, etc...) based on 1 and 2. 4) Plug it together. 5) Then LabVIEW that SOB . I realize this is easier said than done, but you have to read the manuals, experiment, decide on a course of action based on your understanding, then get-r-done! Trust me, this is the only way. Good Luck
  2. QUOTE (tmunsell @ Nov 13 2008, 05:37 PM) Clean code is always easier to trace. Good thing this is LabVIEW, otherwise, I would have no clue what you are doing ! Anyway, one more band-aid ain't going to hurt at this point so for the time being you can try using an enumerated type to select the engine profile as shown below. Your application is very simple in concept, but its written in a very obfuscated way. With a little work it can be made much easier to read and manage. But first you'll need to learn the concept of a "state-machine" architecture. Good Luck.
  3. QUOTE (Shaun Hayward @ Nov 13 2008, 08:10 AM) Doesn't look like it... If your interested, you can also use the GetDriveTypeA() and GetVolumeInformation() available in Kernal32.dll. I've aready written a library node VI for GetDriveTypeA(), but I can't save it to 7.1 right now. If you need the volume name you'd need to add GetVolumeInformation() yourself. I'll repost it in 7.1 later, if no one else does it. This is LV 8.5 http://lavag.org/old_files/post-3463-1226599917.vi'>Download File:post-3463-1226599917.vi
  4. Sorry, I don't have 8.6 installed yet. Can you save for 8.5 and repost. Without looking I'd suggest opening a file dialog near the beginning of execution so the operator can select the profile file. When I see what you have maybe I can offer a more elegant method. Are you hesitant to use sequence structures, or are just wanting to limit any kind of structure that would hide wires?
  5. QUOTE (Kirit @ Nov 12 2008, 04:44 PM) Nice to see that your doing your own work. Not bad so far, but try to keep left to right dataflow. Next you'll want to learn how to use the Elasped Time VI (on the same pallete as the wait milliseconds function). Then, on to shift registers and then state machines... Also, learn how to create a relative path. Using the Elapsed Time figure out how to pulse a boolean indicator within a while loop. (Hint: you'll need wait milliseconds so you can see the blinking.) Good Luck
  6. QUOTE (miab2234 @ Nov 12 2008, 10:47 AM) I believe Toby was refering to the fact that, for a given number set, the min and max may not always be less than or greater than 0.5.
  7. Not sure what you mean by turning off selection scrolling. If you hide the scroll bars the FP doesn't scroll. Is that what you mean?
  8. Dan DeFriese


    I just skimmed the manual and there is also a forum with a similar format to LAVA at http://forums.mccdaq.com/. Kinda neat, lots a projects in there. But there's nothing like a good manual and little experimentation. From the fs1208 manual: It doesn't get any simplier than that. I didn't look at the latest SW manual for Universal Library (the $50 hardcopy was good) yet, but I imagine its just as easy on the eyes. ~Good Luck
  9. QUOTE (tmunsell @ Nov 11 2008, 07:12 PM) Just to clarify, are you now testing multiple engines simultaneously? Or are you just wanting to select different profiles for each engine model (1 engine under test at any given time)? ~Dan
  10. Dan DeFriese


    QUOTE (vultac @ Nov 11 2008, 06:29 PM) What do you mean? I didn't check the specs on your 1208FS but it probably has a couple analog inputs. I'll look it up and get back here. What exactly are you measuring?
  11. QUOTE (normandinf @ Nov 11 2008, 12:53 PM) Nice :thumbup: .
  12. QUOTE (saif @ Nov 11 2008, 12:18 PM) Don't think so*. . But even if you could, I wouldn't, this will just clutter your FP. You can see the VI heirarchy select View->VI Hierarchy and View->Browse Relationships->This VI's subVIs. *Actually you could place a picture control on the FP and write a function to populate it with subVIs icons. If I get bored later I'll try this.
  13. Dan DeFriese


    QUOTE (vultac @ Nov 11 2008, 11:23 AM) This being the case work through the "Getting Started with LabVIEW" manual. IMHO NI's LabVIEW documentation is top notch compared to other environments. You can get to it from the online help or directly at C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW x.x\manuals\LV_Fundamentals.pdf on your system (x.x is the labview version number).
  14. Dan DeFriese


    QUOTE (vultac @ Nov 11 2008, 10:00 AM) Measurement Computing has what they call the Universal Library for LabVIEW which is available on their website. (It may have come on your hardware driver CD also.) Evidentently its free now (used to be $50). I'd first check the library for example code. Also note that at one point, I think Measurement Computing was parntered (taken over maybe) by NI and they were going to support some of the products with DAQmx. This may be the case for your 1208FS (USB DAQ) gizmo. ~Dan
  15. QUOTE (Atif @ Nov 10 2008, 08:41 PM) Maybe I should show you some of my C/C++ code (or VBA which I just started playing with a few weeks ago ). Have you peaked at the NI example code yet?
  16. I agree with crelf, my first answer in the office is to use VI Logger (its much cheaper than building and releasing custom software to do the same thing and I don't have to write a user manual). QUOTE Hi Kirit, We're happy to help you, but you show us your effort and your own work so we can guide you. You can't learn if we do the work for you. Simply posting an example you pulled from "Examples Folder" will turn off veterans, which will label the thread as Homework Hustling (which is not permitted here). Again, please post your own work. ~Dan
  17. I don't recall any questions that I would've considered confusing or misdirected (I guess I lucked out !). However, I'm always fearful answering questions that start: "What is the best way to ...". IMHO the "Best way" is typically debatable and is based on context of the problem. There may be a "Most memory efficient way" or a "Uses the least amount of nodes way" a or "Easiest to explain to your new-to-LabVIEW cube mate way". Of course, there are always plenty of "What the heck were you thinking ways" (I generally start my designs with these :headbang: ) I guess I just prefer short answer exams. Assuming I've adequately prepared and spelling isnt cownted against me. ~Dan
  18. QUOTE (sachsm @ Nov 10 2008, 02:51 PM) I haven't tried it, but if you can't programatically set the label text of a built in control I'd be suprised if this would be possible with an Xcontrol. Could you use the caption text instead?
  19. QUOTE (TobyD @ Nov 10 2008, 11:12 AM) Ahhh yes, a likely erroneous assumption from the first post... Ashfu, do you see what TobyD is referring to?
  20. QUOTE (miab2234 @ Nov 10 2008, 01:49 AM) I'd start by playing with the In Range and Coerce function and incrementing a set of integers within shift registers. Repost your work if you get stuck.
  21. Please don't be offended... but your code is a mess. (Local/Global variables tend to do that!). To be honest, if I didn't recognize the front panel as being the Car Wash CLD example I would have had no clue what you trying to do. Also, using the event structure this way is ill advised. The event code should be short and sweet. Placing a while loop in there sort of defeats its purpose. Of course, I realize that your a new user and I'm here to help. I've attached a simplified version of the VI. I used locals (and event structure) only to demonstrate a possible "working" solution... but ultimately this is not a very good approach.
  22. I'm not sure what your trying to do. Does this help?
  23. QUOTE (Atif @ Nov 7 2008, 11:47 PM) I'm not sure what your trying to measure? Can you post an example? Its likely that the function in question does, in fact, execute faster than 1 millisecond. In which case you'll need to use the VI Profiler toolkit or other means to perform the benchmark.
  24. QUOTE (bodacious @ Oct 29 2008, 12:36 PM) Wouldn't broadcasting still result it N^2 traffic? Again, why should the every node communicate with each other (beyond not seeing the server directly)? Are the sharing data or reacting to each other's states? Would it be possible for one of the clients to proxy for the remote client? How about a periodic (every few seconds) UDP broadcast from each node to which all "visible" clients respond with a server connection status. If a client gets a response from a another client with a server connection status == FALSE it could provide proxy service.
  25. QUOTE (bodacious @ Oct 29 2008, 12:00 PM) Is there a reason not to use a server app Fig A to host all the clients? Do all the nodes needs to know about each other Fig. B?
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