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Everything posted by M@gedF@wzy

  1. Same Case here, though , after installing LV 8.20, the PDA module didn't work as expected,.. as of failing to build.... I was advised to remove all LV installations, and make a fresh installation,. i did install LV 8.20 , however, couldn't get the PDA module (8.0) installation to start . Error: "You must have Labview 8.0 (Full or Professional). .....etc" In August Update, (FULL LV).... there's supposed to be an application builder for 8.20? ... I can't activate it ..yet.. got a clue for the activation.. ??
  2. hi , can anybody provide any examples for watermarking images.. in the DCT domain... or Wavelet... May be a spread spectrum approach in the DCT domain would be great... Thanks..
  3. I have seen a couple of tutorials on Image Processing with C# & GDI+... i think that this is where i should start from... It is 6 parts (http://www.codeproject.com/cs/media/csharpgraphicfilters11.asp) ... Share me your opinions... i guess.. although it is a little bit managed.... and got some downsides, as the author states "My first real disappointment in building this code was to find that the BitmapData class in GDI+ does not allow us to access the data it stores, except through a pointer. This means we need to use the unsafe keyword to scope the block of code which accesses the data. The net effect of this is that a highly security level is required for our code to execute, i.e. any code using the BitmapData class is not likely to be run from a remote client. This is not an issue for us right now, though, and it is our only viable option, as GetPixel/SetPixel is simply too slow for us to use iterating through bitmaps of any real size." however, it seems quite satisfactory to me What do u think ?
  4. Thanks Michael for your help, it is really appreciated to listen to an expert advice,.. specially, that it would cut down my development time ... i was wondering if u can suggest ... an easy-to use library for image development on PDAS... perhaps, C# libs,.. i think the programming choice/ best toolkits will be a time-saver for me.. however, i need to make matrix multiplication.,.. and a lot of scientific,... manipulation.. .. i am looking for a freeware, mature tool that will get me started, instead of wasting my time building everything from scratch.. thanks Maged
  5. Thanks for the reply... Here's my problem defined in an another way Got 2 Pictures( X is the Carrier of Y) .ie. Y is to be embedded in X for the sake of Analysis , i transform X into Frequency components to form 3 bands , namely, FL (F. low, F. Mid, and F. High)... after the transformation is done.. i want to embedd a certain mainputlated version of Y to X in a certain band.. (which is in my case F. Midband).. so i thought of making a MASK which is basicly, 1s at the places i want the ouput (i,j)=X(i,j)+ Y(i,j) at the places of 1s only (as in the above Matrix) HOW to create a MASK and add bits to the original bits.. one newbie question .. image U32 is different than U32... as there's a conflict to displaying that type .. ? ... i am really having difficulties learning labview.. because i really can't find good image processing examples.. I wonder if you have any good tutorials that deal with 2dimension DCT.....or watermarking.. in any form or algorithm This is really weird, as i have never seen so far anybody working in image processing .. (using labview intensively).. and i am not talking about Imaq vision or that type of processing..
  6. Hi, i am a student, totally new to labview... currently working on a watermarking problem I got a picture and watermark.. need to fuse them together in the midband co-efficients of the 2d dct output the watermark is to be multiplied by a PN sequence (code of 1's and 0s) here's what i did, i opened a JPEG, unbundled it and made 2d dct need to make a mask with the midband components of an 8X8 dct image midband = [ 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] I wrote the midband mask as an empty array now need to apply the mask to the dct ... so that i can add to the selected bits (1s) some value pls pm me or mail me (magedfawzy@hotmail.com.. so that i know i got a reply thanks Any assisstance is appreciated.. especially if there are examples that can make a watermark.. i searched the whole net for any image processing using DCT but couldn't find anything... is labview capable of doing a watermark.. ? is it the best choice to do it .. especially that i want to embed it later on a pda Thanks again in advance M@ged
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