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Nut Buster

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    LabVIEW 2013
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  1. Thanks again Rolf, good call. Yes, the project seems to be in Unicode. I've understood that LabVIEW currently only supports ASCII? So I guess would need to ask the DLL developer to compile the DLL as ASCII?
  2. Thanks for the reply Rolf! I forgot to mention that I have an example code written in C++. I compiled the example with Visual Studio and run it. Example seems to be working just fine. So I'm wondering, if it still could be a LabVIEW related issue? Example code begins like this: int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){ CameraStatus status; // Initialize the camera. status = (CameraStatus) _Initialize("", &_cameraCount);
  3. I'm trying to use a DLL which is developed by a third party. I created wrappers using Import Shared Library Wizard. When I call this function: int _Initialize(char *ipAddress, int *cameraCount); I get error 1097. I've checked the parameter setup, etc. I think it should be correct. Only one thing seems a bit weird.If you look at the prototype definition in CLFN-configure window, the function name is something totally different than selected. So, I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the actual problem? Header looks like this: #pragma once#include "PeakStructure.h"#include "Callback.h"#ifdef EXPORTING_DLLextern _declspec (dllexport) int _Initialize(char *ipAddress, int *cameraCount);#elseextern __declspec (dllimport) int _Initialize(char *ipAddress, int *cameraCount);#endif
  4. Have you looked into CLD or CLA sample exams? We use CLD sample exams as training exercises for new employees. https://lumen.ni.com/nicif/us/ekitcldexmprp/content.xhtml https://lumen.ni.com/nicif/us/infoclaexmprp/content.xhtml
  5. That solved the problem. Thanks for the help!
  6. First post LAVA, let's see how it goes... I'm propably missing something obvious here? I'm trying to call a DLL which takes a struct as a parameter. When I run the code, I get these two errors and LABView crashes. Any ideas?
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