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Everything posted by tibobo

  1. Hello I have solved my shared variable buffering problem and posted the solution (in fact my error) on ni forum : http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...mp=true#M291094 One solved problem, one :-) Boris
  2. Hello to you, leopards... I posted a technical topic on ni.com (http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&message.id=291094) which explain a shared variable buffering problem. In this post I didn't discuss the OS depending issue to not worry windows-only users (not rare in ni forums !...). I get the chance to do it here in our small place of peace. What network protocols work on mac ? - PSP (shared variable) : Yes. I read that it's ok for read/write with datasocket VIs but that you can't deploy the Shared Variable Engine (SVE) on a mac (no deploy of the shared variable library). When needed, I thought I could deploy the library on a distant PC (the programmatic deploy method allow that. I didn't tested yet). You can't use the sharedvariable node but datasocket VIs allow to do the same. You also have access to a "wait" ability when reading data (get data only when an update is available). - DTSP : I think it doesn't, but I'm not sure. Perhaps the same limitations as PSP (read/write only ?) - TCP : yes but it doesn't have any buffering ability (I kno I could emulate something but it's long and hard work) Do you have information or experience using something for multiplatform network and buffered communication between executables ? Thanks Boris
  3. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Apr 24 2007, 06:17 PM) Thanks Tomi, Aristos and PJM. I'll do that asap tomorrow (the night is falling here !...) and post something here once the problem killed ! 'night !... Boris
  4. QUOTE(PJM_labview @ Apr 24 2007, 03:17 PM) I tried remote debugging, but labview crashes ("fatal error occured during operation, closing connection") during connection to the remote application (after many warnings such as : 'The class expected to be at "Macbeth:Users:boris:Desktop:builds:projet:My Application:Application.app:User.lvclass" was loaded from "Macbeth:Users:boris:Desktop:builds:projet:My Application:Application.app:AppContents_ppc.llb:User.lvclass".') QUOTE(Aristos) The known issues for 8.2.1 recommends that if your build does not work, you should try changing to Do not disconnect type definitions or remove unreferenced members on the Additional Exclusions page of the Application Properties dialog box. I used this option without success. QUOTE(Aristos) If you are willing to share your app, please contact NI tech support and file a bug report so we can debug your app better Could you send me a message to let me know the "procedure" ? Thanks for help :worship: Boris
  5. Helloooo, I use LVOOP, 8.2.1 with app builder on a G4 mac. I build executables which contain objects and dynamic VIs created using LVOOP. I used the "do not disconnect type efinitions" option. The executable crash at load time. Is there any way to know where the crash comes from ? Building of executables is quite long so I would like to find a nice strategy to find out the cause of the crash... Thanks for your help ! Boris
  6. Hi Tomi, As far as I tried 8.2.1, many LVOOP bugs are fixed. You should be convinced. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Mar 1 2007, 05:14 PM)
  7. I encounter the same problems than jimi since I added LVOOP in my project (about 300 VIs) : crashes after run arrow hit, save all, open a project... I used GOOP for a while, and chose to switch to LVOOP so as to "enjoy" NI support, full integration in the project manager window, speed, and easier learning fo engineers/students we recruited. I didn't know it would be such a crashing nightmare... I should probably choose to recode everything we did with LVOOP in GOOP. I'd prefer to see if these workarounds could save me until bug fixes is released. Consequently : - We want NI to know that WE NEED THIS BUG FIX SOON. A 8.21 WEB release would be good for us (even if some people would complain about mass compiling) and cost nothing to NI. I'm embarassed to say to my engineers : "yes, we use LV. I chose it. We paid xxxxx$ for it and it's not working at all.". I won't bear it for long. - How can I do this "ctrl+shift+run arrow" stuff with my macs ? when I do "Apple+alt+run arrow" nothing executes but my vi seems to be modified since it gets an "unsaved" * mark. I thought there would be a "mass compile" pop-up ? Boris As angry as Jimi !
  8. Hi, I'm quite familiar with xcontrols, but I'm facing a new problem : After a "transfer" between macs (development and deployment machines), two of my xcontrol became impossible to unlock : the "Unlock library for editing" doesn't appear anymore, and when I ask "Why is library locked", I get the following answer : "You do not have the correct license to be able to edit this library". I've got an FDS 8.2 license, app builder 8.2 (on both machines), and didn't change any license thing since LV 8.2 release... I tried to reinstall LV... I tried "Save for previous" and then "Save" again... One of my mac is an intel-chip one. It could be the problem, but I'd like to be sure of that, and get my libraries unlocked... and I don't see any way to do it. Has anyone ever seen that ? Thanks Boris
  9. I got 33 ! Some questions are tricky. Some are useless (if you don't find the "change to indicator" with a right-click on the BD, you do it on the FP...). And some are for windows-users only... I never used DAQmx !... Anyway, it's quite exciting to pass tests. I hadn't since I left school a while ago!... Do you think I deserve a christmas present from my mom with a 33/40 grade ?!... bo
  10. tibobo

    Count Pulse

    Hello Spacetoon, I'm afraid that everybody here think : "what you are trying to do is basic programming"... for which you probably don't need help. You just need to buy a book or search through examples to find a way to program this. The "little light" next to the Run button in the block diagram could be useful too. It will show you the way Labview run. I can't send you code since I use 8.2 but it will probably be more "learningful" if you do it by yourself. Use Events structures to do that nicely (you can find good examples in the help) ! Happy wireworking ! Bo
  11. I tried on a G5 10.4.7, LV 8.0.1, and on a Powerbook G4 10.4.7, LV8.0.1, to read files from PC hard drives formatted in FAT 32 and NTFS (both don't work). I had problem with file transfers in my network in the past (strange things such as file not readable anymore after transfer) and I probably should search this way... Thanks for the test anyway :beer: ! Boris
  12. Hello P'tit Bras (je dois
  13. Hi Ton, Thanks for your post. I get alternatively an error 10 or an error 7 depending on the open vi I use (config file, file,...) I tried with a simple vi and I get an error. I also tried to use a read-only option, and there shouldn't be any right access on this drive. When I ask them in the Finder, I have read/write permissions. What is strange is that I'm able to use the list folder vi with no error. If I use the output to build a path and then open it I get an error. You're right, it should be an access rights problem... but I can't figure out how to solve it... Boris
  14. Hello guys, I have many computers acquiring datas, and I need to read and write these datas from a single ethernet hard drive (LaCie 500 GB, FAT32). On a Mac G5 with LV8, once the ethernet drive is mounted in the finder, I try to read a simple config (or text or binary...) file in labview, but I get an open/create/replace file code 10 error. I've got the same behavior with a file located on a PC hard drive (mounted in the Finder too), but I don't have any problem with a file on a Mac hard drive. It works when I try the same from a PC with LV8. For me, all this tells it's related to smb/cifs stuffs... I tried manual path entries like : "file://Volumes/GRESSENSGRP;U676-BACKUP/Datas/file.txt", etc... but nothing works. I didn't find the same problem in the forums... Any idea ? thanks Boris
  15. Ok Dave, you're faster than me... I didn't know the "link to" stuff in app methods or property nodes... and was doing all that with three property nodes... Thanks for the tip again ! boris
  16. Thanks for the tip. It's not as direct as you tell since you have to get the front panel reference, and then the panes reference array property of this reference and then set the property "Horizontal scrollbar visibility" of the first element of this array... but it works ! thanks again Boris
  17. Hi, I didn't find any way to change the scrollbar visible property of a vi dynamically. It doesn't appear in the vi property node while it is possible to set this property manually in the vi properties menu, and scripting is not available anymore in lv8. Is there a way to do that ? Thanks for hints. Boris
  18. Hi Tibras Yes, I'm using simple acquisition tasks for more than one year on both boards, but without hardware triggering. Now I have to synchronize acquisition between the two cards and that's why I get to try sample clock sharing with RTSI bus. It didn't work so I tried using triggering which didn't work too . The fact that RTSI doesn't work is not surprising for me (since it's written here : http://zone.ni.com/devzone/conceptd.nsf/we...256FB1007227EC). The fact that triggering doesn't work is more surprising. Did you ever tried synchronising or triggering with mac os x ? Boris
  19. Hi, I'm trying to use DAQ S 6143 and M 6224 simultaneously using DAQmx base. I should admit I'm a little bit frustrated since I didn't managed to do anything !... : - Using RTSI cable to share sample clock using daqmx base export signal vi, nothing works. - Using "daqmx base start trigger (analog edge)" to do triggering (start an acquisition when an analog input cross a level) on a single device, nothing works. (example below). Could somebody have any successful experience to share in the field of triggering/synchronizing on mac os x or should I abandon all my hopes...? For now, I'll go to bed ! Thanks Boris Download File:post-4507-1147804417.vi
  20. Hi Brian and Didier, Thanks for the link, I began to use dqgoop and it's fine (under lv8.0.1 and OS X 10.4.5). It would be great to have html help ! :worship: Thanks Didier too, you're right... I wasn't using opengoop but labview goop (I tried to install it, and thought it hadn't worked...) . I'll try to make openGOOP work... I hope I would post something in a few weeks after turning my whole app into OOP. Boris
  21. Ok guys, Thanks for your posts. Even if it's sometimes a little bit hard to follow... it clearly illustrates OO programmers questionning ! :worship: I'm beginning to use OpenGOOP with lv8 on mac OS X. Everything works. However, I'm surprised because OpenGOOP creates each class in one ".llb" file. I read in many posts and docs that it should create "core", "Private", "Methods" folders and a "Tree" vi but it doesn't on my mac. Is it a new feature of openGOOP for lv8 or something like that ? I built a large application, without any OO programming. I'd like to "clean" all the stuff and make it simple to update (some people will join us soon for that) using GOOP. Is it "reasonable" to change a whole application (approx. 100 vis) from classical labview to GOOP ? (:clock: and :headbang: ?) Last question, I'm trying to find the "best" GOOP toolkit (remember I use macs) : dqGOOP seems to be Windows only, and NI GOOP not updated anymore. OpenGOOP seems perfect ? Am I wrong ? Thanks, :beer: ! Boris
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