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  1. Thanks Ton, Actually, not. Only VISA is used
  2. Dear All, I have recently upgraded my LabVIEW 8.5.1 to LabVIEW 8.6. Since then, all of my old codes written in LabVIEW 7.0 and 7.1 cannot be used any more. I have tried mass compile the .llb old codes, however, it still not working. I can launch LabVIEW 7/7.1, however when I try to open my old code, LabVIEW froze until I use task manager to kill LabVIEW. I can open each signle vis though, only the top level has problem. Could anybody share with me what could cause the problem? Thanx in advance William
  3. Thank you all. I have gone to the easier and quicker way according to the suggestion 1. I add "cmd.exe" to input line of System Exec.vi. and it works. Originally, I added "cmd.exe" to command line. However, "test.exe is not called. Once again, than you peeker and jq69. Really appreciated your time and great help. Best regards, William
  4. G'day All. :-) I have struggling with a strange problem lately. I am using System Exec.vi to call executable file "conversion.exe. " It always return the following message: Error 2 occurred at System Exec.vi. Command was "CalConversionDNC.exe "C:\test" "C:\test\test.ini" 1 Possible reason(s): LabVIEW: Memory is full. ========================= NI-488: No Listeners on the GPIB. However, when I run this via dos command line. It works fine. Could any one here help me on this? Thank you for your kindly help indeed. Take care William
  5. Thank you guys for your prompt reply and useful information. I believe it is caused by the Application Builder. I just found out the Labview7.1 I am using is not professional version. Therefore, application builder will not be included. However, for some reason I have that opition. I cannot find any other machines which installed Labview7.1 had that option. Very strange but interesting. Once again thank you guys so much Best regards, Willy
  6. Dear Labview Pioneers, Could you guys help me out how to solve this error problem while I am using Labivew7.1 to build applications " Error 7 occurred at Invoke Node in Dist Build App from LLB.vi->Dist Build App Image.vi->Build Application.vi" I have checked all vi settings, all of the files are in the right directory. It happens twice, the first time is I use tool to launch build DLL, the second time is during build. Thanks in advance
  7. Thank you Yen for your reply. I am sorry, I am a bit slow here, since lots of things are happening at my work. It has fixed the register problem partly :headbang: . Basically, what I mean here is that the dll can be found at the drop-down manual if I double click constructor node (before I've got to browse to the right directory). I still can not glue that dll with my .NET constructor node for some weird reason. Once again, Yen, your valuable help and time are highly appreciated. Will
  8. Could any one of experts out there help me? I am currently developing a project by using .NET. However, the constructor node often lost its connection with dll supplied by agilent. (I am using .NET1.1. and have tried .NET2.0, however the dll didn't support that version for some reason.) I would not expect it will automaticaly register with Labview, I don't expect it will automaticaly de-register from Labview either after I have manually linked constructor node with dll. It seems that if I create a new vi each time, I lost the connection, and all property nodes become empty. Since Labview 7.0 is the first version that support .NET, is there any possibility that there is a small bug in Labview 7.0? Many thanks in advance william
  9. Yes, I think you are absolutely right. And as you all know it is caused by the decimal problem. I believe I've got to write a program to look after this. Have tried the way Michael had suggested, still sending the string with comma instead of dot, it caused confusion for our firmware. :-) B.T.W, sorry for this late reply. Lots of things going on at this moment. And your help are really valuable and highly appreciated. Willy
  10. Dear All, This is Willy from AUS. Waving my hands towards you all. I recently have encountered a strange problem. I developed a user interface by Labview 7.0. Then I convert it to an executable file. When it was installed at our customer end, they found they cannot control the device properly. However, it works perfectly at my side. Then I finally figure out because their language setting is French instead of English. It makes me wonder if I can seek OS language setting information through Labview and display a pop-up window to remind our cusomter to change their language setting if it is not English before they launch our GUI software. Do you guys know how to achieve that? Thank you all indeed.
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