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Files posted by torekp

  1. Self-Decimating Storage VIs

    Copyright © 2007, Huron Valley Steel Corporation
    All rights reserved.
    Paul Torek
    --see readme file for contact information
    These files allow the programmer to maintain a fixed-sized representative sample of data, regardless of how many data sets are accumulated. The storage may be in the form of a shift register (a.k.a. VI Global) - VIG_self_decimating.vi performs this job - or in the form of a binary file on disk - VIG_decimation_indices.vi and write_2Ddbl_decim8_REentrant.vi do that job, with help from decimatd_evenly_spaced_2D_DBL.vi and decimated_cleanup_2D_DBL.vi. Note that the given VIs are intended for storing 2D DBL arrays, but it is straightforward to modify them to do other formats such as 1D i32 arrays.
    Labview 8.0
    Version History:
    Initial release of the code.



  2. Self-Decimating Storage VIs

    Copyright © 2007, Huron Valley Steel Corporation
    All rights reserved.
    Paul Torek
    --see readme file for contact information
    Unzip and place the folders Calculations, DB_accessory, tests, InputOutput, and Templates into one location in your file hierarchy, for example, all in user.lib. If you already have folders with some of these names, simply copy the contents into your folders. Examine the example VIs in the "tests" folder.
    How would you like to cram infinite data into finite file space, with rapid reads and writes? Sorry, I can't deliver that - but this may be the next best thing.
    These files allow the programmer to maintain a fixed-sized representative sample of data, regardless of how many data sets are accumulated. The storage may be in the form of a shift register (a.k.a. VI Global) - VIG_self_decimating.vi performs this job - or in the form of a binary file on disk - VIG_decimation_indices.vi and write_decim8_REentrant.vi do that job, with help from other VIs included as subVIs in test_decim8file_V101.vi. Note that the binary file VIs are polymorphic for storing 2D DBL arrays, 1D i32 arrays, and a few other types. It is straightforward to modify them to do other formats, or to modify the VI Global likewise.
    Each time the storage fills up, the decimation factor doubles, and the storage begins to fill with the data at the new lower frequency, overwriting previously stored data that had been logged at a higher frequency.
    Labview 8.0
    Version History:
    Initial release of the code.
    New subVIs allow ease of reading decimated files, one record at a time.



  3. VI_path_listing

    VI_path_listing V1.0.0
    Copyright © 2006, Huron Valley Steel Corporation
    All rights reserved.
    Paul Torek
    contact through http://forums.lavag.org, by sending PM (private message) to torekp
    Lists the paths of all VIs in memory other than itself, with the (optional) exception of vi.lib VIs. Note that if you do not exclude vi.lib, some of this VI's subVIs will appear on the list. Prompts user to save the list to a text file or to Cancel the save operation.
    This VI might be useful to those who do not use a rigorous source code control scheme, but still want to keep track of many VIs.
    Version History:
    Initial release of the code.



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