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Everything posted by Cool-LV

  1. Thanks Cosmin, you are a kind man, Yup ,I knew, I used keyboard_event and mouse_event to do the sendkey exercise ago, and make SubVI, now I am using sendinput function( I have made send keystroke and mouse click SubVi with your thread ) to achieving my project. thanks your great helping ! I am full of appreciations.
  2. Thanks Cosmin, that is great, it works. Now I want to tell, why I use this Sendinput, not keyboard_event send key store, that is why I was asking to disable/retore title at this forums, as I use "block input" function, sendinput can help to input keys also, that is my goal that I am looking for along, but keyboard_event send key store can't do.
  3. Thanks All, thanks cosmin, and I have tried your enclosed vi, I open NotePad to do the test, I highlight the Execution to run the vi, as the vi executes run action, I quickly switch the active window is NotePad, but the result is fail, no any response, no character inputted at NotePad, no matter I input wscan or wVK's count, the virtual key code is from below Hex code, Key Code but we can see the feedback parameter would turn to 1, what is the focal behavior ?
  4. Hi, I searched MSDN for doing "SendInput function" and I follow MSDN tells to call User32's Sendinput function, but my sample hasn't any response. why ? THe MSDN link is below SendInput Input Structure Download File:post-4703-1152765070.vi
  5. Thanks cosmin, it works.
  6. thanks rolfK, and I found msdn tells "[out] Pointer to a CURSORINFO structure that receives the information. Note that you must set CURSORINFO.cbSize to sizeof(CURSORINFO) before calling this function" I don't undertand well about "must set CURSORINFO.cbSize to sizeof (CURSORINFO)" what is the sizeof that I must pay attenction to ? and I set the cbSize to any count, labVIEW prompts error dialog box. that is my error vi. would you help to point out my error at your convenience time? thanks ! Download File:post-4703-1152159461.vi
  7. I think my sample can help you, and you can define its"size" to get bmp's pixel. Download File:post-4703-1152021249.vi
  8. rolfk, OK, I know, anyway, thanks for your issues. yup, they are reasonable.
  9. Thanks rolfk, but I don't want to change the global cursor, I just want to get the global cursor's status.
  10. I can make out copy a template to many sheets, but I can't copy it at a sheet. see the example attachment. can it give you any inspiration about my goal? thanks ! Download File:post-4703-1151899078.vi
  11. Thanks all, I have made one "GetCurrsor" sample attached, but, it is not well, as the cursor turns to "busy" status, and the back count is not changed. the count can changed at labVIEW front panel only, if the cursor is out of labVIEW front panel, it is no response. is anything wrong ? please help to point out. Download File:post-4703-1151896776.vi
  12. Thanks Rolf Kalbermatter, but I am not familiar with C language of this controlling . So, anybody can help to make a DLL or a sample will be great appreciation.
  13. Hello, Anybody knows call which API can reach to get mouse's status, not mouse position and click status I want , but its "Normal select" "Busy" "Working in background" etc status. thanks in advance.
  14. Hi, Anybody knows how to copy a template, this template made well, there are its style, just a page only. and I want to copy it as numbers of patterns at a sheet, about how many patterns I want, that can be controlled, I have report generation toolkit.
  15. and I have made an example of indicator, there are my looking for along. Download File:post-4703-1151484327.vi
  16. Hello, I am facing a project that add picture frame to a picture, namely, select different style of picture frames to a picture. how to do this ? and I knew "read png.vi" can read a png format image, and I have searched a llb which is QuitTime toolbox to read GIF image, but , while I read them to add to a buttom image, the "picture frame" image would cover the buttom picture, original transparent place of PNG or GIF is not transparent after read (change to black or any other color) and indicate a picture control container. how to solve it ? thanks in advance.
  17. Thanks Aitor Solar, Yes, that is not my want, "When you double click a LV built-in function, you can't open it because it's not a VI. I think you are asking how to reproduce that for a VI. Am I right?" now, I think an enclosed llb can tell details, that is from NI China website, this vis made by Gzou, and someone had ask him how to make it, but he hasn't answered obverse and I don't know how to make this. Download File:post-4703-1151455067.llb
  18. thanks crelf, build the vi, do you mean, at the Tools>> build application>>...... menu to do that ?
  19. Hello all, How can I remove front panel as I created sub-vi, its function is similar as labVIEW packing vis, as you double click the icon, can't open it.
  20. Thanks Rolf, yup, I have searched MSDN, but I haven't got any info about my goal :headbang: you wrote "have to install a global filter hook for the events you want to block" is this handle only ? haven't any simple way to reach it ? just call an or two APIs ?
  21. actually, I viewed a application can do my issues ago, I remember that software is downloaded from some website, as I doubled click it to install, that application prompts a dialog box to ask people input CD key, and I found at that time, keyboard and mouse were disabled, and can see the CD key was inputted automatically by its software, after finished input CD key, the mouse and keyboard's function were restored ,I don't know how it did.
  22. Thanks ! OK, for details, let me tell a sample I want to program a function, it can help me to input user name and password, and this input field is from a web, cause this web that I am using frequently, and I don't want to input it manual, my goal is that open a labVIEW app(it can store my user name and password), and click a button, then program helps to input "user name and password, within program inputting time, for prevent people to move mouse or click keyboard, so I want to disable them " , am I clear ?
  23. As my subject, how to disable/restore keyboard or a mouse function ? and I know using User32.dll a "blockinput" function can block all of inputs, but this is not my goal, since I use send key function, namely, program auto inputs characters to the other application (not labVIEW application, so discard event function can't achieve this goal, have to use API ) instead of manual, and I want to disable keyboard and mouse function to avoid people inputting before program is doing auto sendkey process. and "blockinput" function would block every inputs too, program sends key fail, anybody can help would be great appreciation ! :worship:
  24. or use other commands to create a new window and then open an URL in that... Thanks All, Yes, I have used creating a new window and opne an URL to achieve.
  25. hello, As I use "Open URL in default Brower.vi" ,I found it can open an URL address. but, As I want to open the other address( The other URL) , this vi will replace the openned one, can this vi open(create) a new window ? not replace openned window ? or do you have any good suggestion about openning URL , thanks in advance.
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