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Everything posted by Cool-LV

  1. For this, I have to say again, different forums life and different custom, OK, I will keep this forms custom.
  2. Yes, I knew, And I have said thanks for your help, and said sorry for my inconvenience ? havn't I ? and I found you distort my "urgent signal", and you told no body will not pay back topic etc, so I explain for you, or somebody only. tell urgent signal to the ardour man is not bad, all right ?
  3. He he, thanks all, I don't know you would keep and funny, I think that is different custom between different round of life, and different behavior, at our around life (fourms), you can see this topic and contents everywhere, and we get the good result normally, people would issue the words like me as they meet urgent case normally , and the question hasn't responsed at a time (at the other forums) ,as we see it, we would know him/her, he/she must meet some urgent things, we know it, this is just a signal, his/her an urgent signal ,yup if we know or we have a free time, we will put down some not important things to help him/her, with the website, or ask the other friend, where has it or who knows it. and nobody would pay us too, our attitude would be more relaxed, no matter the asker is a friend at network or our friend around, we would not be focal a person what he/she said, certainly, He/She doesn't rate somebody or a country. just a simple talking or sentence, should we ,or we must point out his/her behavior right or wrong ? I don't think so, different people has different value or behavior, and this is a technologic forums, you can share you know and ask you don't know, you are free really, Yup. if my issue is not clear about the question, you can ask me to give details or enclose attachment if you are interested in my question or want to give me a help, I also help the other too, and nobody hasn't paid anything to me also. even at NI forums, the last, I want to say again, people (like my issued) tells something urgent, it is just a signal, a urgent signal, not the other, and I haven't pointed out which one should or must answer my question, I just to tell an ardour man, I meet an urgent case, do you know it ? if you don't know too, would you help me to seek the other channel or website or ask your friend, even this help hasn't any pay back. I think an ardour man would do it, at least much of around friend would do this.
  4. crelf, Firstly, thanks your reminding, I knew it all actually, and sorry to give this inconvenience to others. and I want to say, my original mind is that I was very urgent to solve this case, and my boss chases me about it, I am searching the solution in every and different way. for the hurry up time, so I did (issued second words) , haven't think more about, and my start point isn't much you said, just to tell my hurry condition. anyway, if someone hurt from it, I say sorry again !
  5. what is wrong ? you don't know what my queries or my issue has some thing wrong ? and why you told me that link address ? Maybe I hasn't given the details, See below link for details, the same problem. http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...ssage.id=183910
  6. Hello, Anybody knows how can I read the data size through network card, the data size includes sent/received , thanks in advance.
  7. Thanks didierj, it seems that I have to call administrator for this installation help.
  8. Hello all, Do you know how to skip administrator's privileges fori nstaller created LV7.1 ? when I start to install, System will querie me to provide an administrator's privileges, Please help to see enclosed, and I found the installer created at LV7.0, it is no need administrator's privileges. can some setting to skip this privileges with LV7.1, or Can LV8.0 do this? I cann't find ? thanks a lot .
  9. Aitor Solar, Thanks for your reply, if LV prevents a VI being un-minimizeable, as open the block diagram, and run the VI the status is the same, Hidden FP ? no, I want to show FP for user, and the FP hasn't title bar, menu bar, tool bar, just a pure FP, and no task bar. and I will use "System tray" to restore window status.
  10. thanks Aitor Solar, See my sample, the vi can hide the task bar firstly running, as I press hide window, the bar is showing ? why ? cann't hide it again. Download File:post-4703-1144833432.vi
  11. rolfk. I have tested, and made it yet, that I cann't achieve that function which I mentioned, before call this help. mention again, my hide bar is my program's task bar ! see enclosed Sorry all, Yes it can, as disable "allow user to resize window" and "allow user to minimize window" options can hide task bar, I don't know why couldn't just now. maybe I missed to disable "allow user to minimize window" options
  12. Thanks all, I already know how to hide root window bar, but I want to hide both of them, root window bar and main window bar, disable "allow user to resize window" and "allow user to minimize window" options can hide applications task bar ? I don't think so. en, would you kindly help to make a simple sample for me ? many thanks @!
  13. Anybody knows how to hide/show application's task bar at windows bar ? thanks in advance
  14. Aitor Solar, Wow, I don't know which words can tell my appreciation for you. thanks very much. it is great and enough help me.
  15. thanks Entropy, I think a simple sample will help me better. anybody can help ? thanks @!
  16. Anybody knows how can I disable/restore keyboard and mouse function ? and set keyboard 'Caps Lock" (replace press Caps Lock key manually) with LV ?
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