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Everything posted by Cool-LV

  1. Hello All, I wanna disconnet/connect the network with LV, call with API or .net to realize ? Please help to give a tip or thread, thanks in advance.
  2. QUOTE(nipon @ May 3 2007, 05:48 AM) Hi, Nice interface, but I can't open MP3player_Sample.vi ,even I re-download the Zip enclosed file twice, My LabVIEW is 8.2.1, and the other Subvi works fine, what happenned ? anybody met this condition ?
  3. question solved, I use "System Exec" to realize.
  4. Hello all, Anybody knows how can I set the XP to different Theme programmable ? I don't like to double click a *.msstyles file to reach that function. thanks @!
  5. thanks cosmin, but the vi is much new, mine is LV7.1 .
  6. Thanks, it is what I need basical ,but there are not " last accessed information" still, en......
  7. Hi, I use "Block input" to disable keyboard and mouse function, and "Sendkey" to do the send key, I remember that I issued a topic here which is sendkey function no response, that is what my goal is.
  8. Hi, Thanks for your thread, and I can't find "File Info__ogtk.vi" in the OpenG.llb (even I downloaded this toolkit yet), and I searched it in my disk, can't be found also. can you help to enclose this vi here for me ? thanks @!
  9. Hello, As the subject, that I want to get the information from selected folder/files, and get its created, last accessed time information, how to do this ? thanks in advance !
  10. Crelf, Yes, that is what I need. :thumbup: I know there are this event long ago, I don't know why I forget it this time. I believed in that I should call API to realize . Yup, this handle is so easy. thank you !
  11. Hi, How can I get the info/feedback after user click close window button ? and I would like to use Windows' original title bar (don't wanna to make a dummy bar). the goal is that user click close button to close the window, and I want to get this info to ask user, "are you sure to quit out of this application!" thanks @!
  12. Oh, thanks, to be this ! I know now.
  13. Dirk J. Thank you very much, Yup, this is what I am looking for, but it since support BMP image only ? fail to JPEG picture.
  14. Hi Akash, Thanks for your answers, Maybe I havn't given the details, my wallpaper isn't LV front panel background image, but it is computer's destop wallpaper. and your thread is supported at LV8.2, mine is LV7.1 (I can't find your thread at LV7.1 and LV8.0) .
  15. Hi, Anybody knows how to set an image as a wallpaper programatically ? thanks @!
  16. Hi, I think this is not LabVIEW query issue, en, you must write a htm script (engine) to direct your application (*.exe), the handle that you can see some examples, e.g. "Flashget" .......
  17. question solved. and I found, there are not only 8 digital write and 5 Digital read, they can be 11 DIO(read and write option), and 5 Digital read only.
  18. hi all, using "Port out.vi" is successful to control digital signal out corresponding, but I am fail to use "Port in.vi" to read digital signal back. read from "FAQ Moderator's tells" that the read pins is Pin15, 14, 13, 11 and 10, but I connect 5V signal to them between ground (short pin 18 to 25 as ground), there are no response at labVIEW, anything that I am wrong or any focus that I should pay attention to ? thanks @!
  19. Hi FAQ Moderator, And I can control the parallel port data out, can control my relay open and close normally, but it can't read digital signal, for example +5v signal,and I use "in port.vi" to read the signal status, connect the signal to the pin10 or between the other 10 to 15 (except pin12) pins, and ground, but hasn't any result feedback, any wrong or focus that I should pay attention to ?
  20. Thanks all, the link Excel toolkit is so cool. great !
  21. Hello all, As the subject, I can combine two words to a new word paper, but, I can't do it at excel, who knows ? thanks in advance.
  22. Thanks keiran, your thread is good. but as the items I need much, I don't wanna display whole of them, if that array can added a scroll bar that would be perfect. maybe sub panel can do this, but I think this is not convenience, and good looking, any good idea ?
  23. Hello all, can anybody give a thread to realize a facade showing like that Database sheet, add diferent control items at a list box, or list table effect, for example, string control, number control and ring etc, I know cluster can do this, but it is not convenience and beautiful. can ActiveX control insert an object OK ? but I haven't found that item yet, thanks in advance.
  24. Hi, Have you tried the other AVI video file ? Do they open failed ? and I found your sample there are logical problem, why you put the stop button outside the while loop ??? and AVI reference not been closed etc.
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