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Everything posted by Pavanb

  1. Hi There I want to go from TestStand's output i.e. database to HTML5 SPC charts. Sorta like http://moderndata.plot.ly/using-plotly-from-labview-via-python/ Has anyone done this or used Bokeh or Enthough's data tool before? What about these tools with TDMS or HDF5? Thanks. I appreciate it. Best, Pavan By the way, https://www.enthought.com/services/consulting/case-studies/TAIPAN/ (like TestStand without TestStand)
  2. Some more related exchange on, https://decibel.ni.com/content/polls/6634#/?page=2
  3. This was reported in Nov 2011 and I can't believe such unacceptable sluggishness isn't resolved in Labview 2013! The part that sucks is, to come out of this dilemma i.e. fixing the project with packed libraries is painfully slow too.
  4. Editor performance while doing saves or folder moves is very slow. IDE/dependency management in Labview with classes could uses some templates or guidelines.
  5. How do I do this?
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