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Everything posted by SometimesRight

  1. Hi Vipinraj, I don't think you can get what you need from the trace event, at least I have never got it to work. This is how I get the step result, this is using C# .NET rather than LabVIEW but the call parameters and property names are very similar: SequenceContext context = e.uiMsg.Thread.GetSequenceContext(0, out frameId); PropertyObject resultList = context.Locals.GetPropertyObject("ResultList", 0); int numElements = resultList.GetNumElements(); if (numElements != 0) { PropertyObject lastResult = resultList.GetPropertyObjectByOffset(numElements - 1, 0); string status = lastResult.GetValString("Status", 0); // "Done", "Passed", etc. depending on step type } Note: the result for the currently-executing step has not yet been posted into ResultList, so I think you get the result for the step preceding the one being traced. There may well be a better way to do this but it is hard to find out especially as the documentation is not good, repeated trial and error is my usual MO! If you have found how to do it differently please post here as it will be useful to me :-)
  2. Or you can use the 64-bit version of regedit but be aware that the 32-bit application's keys are not the ones you see immediately under HKLM\Software but instead are beneath HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node, e.g. HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\National Instruments\LabVIEW\… . When running a 32-bit application Windows looks under there when you access HKLM\Software\<anything>. I guess it is done like this in case you have both a 64-bit version and a 32-bit version of the same software that are different versions. Some of the other registry hives have the same structure. Just one reason why the Windows registry is so enormous!
  3. I doubt that recreating the control helped mje but perhaps he will let us know. In my experience, using the well-know scientific trial & error methodology, the number of columns in a tree is to a large extent dependent on how many are visible in the GUI. If you delete a column you need to resize the remaining columns to fit in the control or reduce the control width, making sure that your last wanted column boundary is just hidden beneath the control border. Then adjust the number of columns property. Be warned: if you later drag the right-hand border of the control to enlarge the real estate you will magically get that pesky extra column again - the number of columns property will increase by however many columns you expose! It seems to me that a better behaviour would be to just make the extra space to the right the number of columns dead, and never alter the number of columns until the user explicitly sets it.
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