QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Mar 10 2007, 05:23 PM)
The first one is what I want(ed).
Tomi, your questions made me think this problem better and I am kind of convinced that I cannot do what I want easily. I will describe a use case in block diagram form.
I want to distribute TestCase class and its method VIs (dynamic dipach VIs) at sourceforge.net or here. Users create child classes from TestCase class and define original method VIs. User's project tree will look like the folloing figure. Here, MyTest class is the child class inherited from TestCase class.
Then, a user passes MyTest class to Run.vi which is defined in parent TestCase class. I want Run.vi runs Test1.vi and Test2.vi without explicitly user specifying. I want a simple interface/way to run TestSomethingSomething VI to prevent users from wiring a lot. I do not stick to Run.vi if there exists other way but let me continue now.
I found that Run.vi should be able to (1) gather references to method VIs defined in child class and (2) call them with passing the child class. I assume Test*.vi's have the same terminal pattern.
After thinking on Tomi's questions, rereading his critial analysis report and playing with LabVIEW, I do not think my approach is the best way. Although my original question was how TestCase class's Run.vi to aquires list of method VI references bound in a child method, it seems I should find another way to implment this mechanism (or wait for NI implementing object reference ;p )