Basically, from your example code and questions, you need to learn more about data flow programming. I'd recommend reading LabVIEW for Everyone (in the interest of full disclosure, one of the authors is my boss ). It is a good book and will get you beyond your initial LabVIEW hang ups.
First, you have to understand one of the major points of data flow programming... data goes in, data goes out. First, let me explain the problems you're having in ( You arent able to read the data in your subVI because you are writing the value to a control (Initialized Array) but LV does not by default read values from a control. Instead, you should create an indicator and write data to the indicator (call it: Data Out or something so you can differentiate it from the data you write (Data In) and wire it to the connector pane of the subVI. Also, you probably want the File Path to be an Input to your SubVI so that you don't have to overwrite the same file every time... right now its a constant. I would also change the inputs to the SubVIs from booleans to a single Enum value (numeric palette) and have a case for 'Read', 'Write'. The do nothing case should be managed from your main VI (save_02A).
Second, your Main VI ( is a bit of a wreck as well (no offense). In the interest of writing a long spiel about how to clean it up, or fixing it on your behalf, I would refer you to the LabVIEW Examples section - take a look at the Read/Write Binary Data examples. Also, look at state machine examples. If you don't find them in 7.1, you can definitely find them on LAVA and NI Websites. It will help you to understand why, for example, your loop doesn't run more than one iteration.
Lastly, as a data flow language, LabVIEW doesn't support 'pointers' directly. If you want to make LabVIEW simulate using pointers, you need to do other things and I wouldn't recommend any of them based on your example code. Instead, just relax and remember that data is passed along the wires. It goes into the subVI, is modified (or not) and comes out of the subVI and back into your 'main' application. LabVIEW uses explicit declaration of inputs and outputs based on the wiring of your front panel controls (inputs) and terminals (outputs) to the connector pane. Unlike other programming languages where a function argument can be both an input and an output, in LabVIEW this is not the case (there are ways to make it behave like this but they are not something you should do normally).
Good luck!