Hi, I want only one programm running on the PC but reach by 2 or 3 users session. So I write each html page when vi open then rename in main.html. In this case all user can have the same view of programm.
Do you think it is a good idea ?
Thanks for your respon.
I will try with exe because this case is empty in the code. I will do some test.
For the pop-up, I think for this when error occur.
hello everyone and happy new year. I am very interested in your wonderful project. I have been looking for a solution to be able to share a LABVIEW exe between several windows users.
A html solution like yours seems to meet the need. I ask myself some questions ...
- Does it work with an executable version?
-Is it possible to have a single html page to point so that each user retains the software in the same state (multiple ihm)?
-Is it possible that a message or a configuration ihm appears as a pop-up on the html page?
thank you for your answers