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Aristos Queue

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Status Replies posted by Aristos Queue

  1. I have a hard time believing whoever wrote this code thought this was a good variable name - it's a shortened form of "Assimilated Window."

    1. Aristos Queue

      Aristos Queue

      That's on par with our "panel ordering" file name: "panelord.cpp"

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Is LVOOP like Pandora's box?

    1. Aristos Queue

      Aristos Queue

      I can see the comparison, but Pandora's Box had positive air pressure. LVOOP has negative air pressure -- it sucks evil in rather than spewing it out. Once it is encapsulated, it's much easier to deal with.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. In LV, a child class cannot have a static-dispatc method with the same name as its parent. This is called "shadowing" in other languages. If I had any doubts about that decision, today's text code debacle has cured them.

    1. Aristos Queue

      Aristos Queue

      No, just a really bad day coding. Shadows move when you're not looking.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Textual programming. Somebody shoot me…...

    1. Aristos Queue

      Aristos Queue

      I can't tell which is you and which is the pointer saying, "That's Chris over there!"

  5. RT @jgcode: #LabVIEW Project has shipped - literally, I just duct-taped the box & stuck it in the mail :) Time to put my feet up & relax...

    1. Aristos Queue

      Aristos Queue

      You know, we're still looking for a volunteer to take over the refactoring of error.llb...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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