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Everything posted by TerryS

  1. From my interactions with him, Davern does not seem like the 'typical' businessperson, and though not technical I am not sure you need a technical CEO.
  2. http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160829005895/en/NI-Announces-CEO-Transition-Plan-Position-Company Certainly a big loss for NI or any company when one of the founders retires. NI has certainly changed over the years and this is certainly going to be an inflection point when we look back a few years from now. I'd like to think that the process and company structure in place will allow NI to grow after the end of this year. From my interactions with him, Davern does not seem like the 'typical' businessperson, and though not technical I am not sure you need a technical CEO. Was wondering on the forum's thoughts on this.
  3. I was scanning VIs that were recently resaved to exclude compiled code. Then I did a scan of all VIs that their compiled code was indeed removed. I would open a reference and then check the property. Opening a reference to some files would crash LabVIEW (though they open from within their lvclass and run). I noticed the black border as something these VIs had in common. Anyone come across this?
  4. TerryS

    MIL-STD-1553 bus

    I too would advise against implementing your own 1553!!!! (think 1.21 gigawatts in 1955) It is a tough call to build what you can buy. Also, Condor is not the only company; see NI's site for some of the other companies that make 1553 cards. The higher cost 1553 cards are for testing your code and running various simulations. A production card is in the lower end and will cover most applications. Also, I think the high cost of the cards may be that there is a lower sales volume compared to say the run of the mill serial buses that we more commonly use. Also, glad to help; I have gotten a lot out of reading these forums and from the OpenG stuff; feels good to reciprocate.
  5. TerryS

    MIL-STD-1553 bus

    A 1553 card is pretty expensive; ranges anywhere from $3k to $15k (USD). We used a Condor (GE Fanuc) card on a project and it was not too difficult to use; it came with LV drivers. There are plenty of other companies. Could you please provide more information on what you mean by converting? See these links/docs for more information: http://www.condoreng.com/about/lit/index.shtml#other and specifically: http://www.condoreng.com/about/lit/pdfdata...cture_Guide.pdf
  6. We too use SVN with TortoiseSVN. Best thing we ever did. Sometimes it is screwy with binaries (basically all LabVIEW files!).
  7. I agree that a native Excel graph is better as the end user can do their own manipulations of the data and so forth. In our case, we provided another worksheet with the rawdata for their own manipulation. Also, to get Excel to format that was a bit time consuming (it seemed at least) and with the variations of the versions, we viewed that as an additional risk.
  8. [quote name='ThomasM
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