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Everything posted by rscott9399

  1. The stall appears to have worked. You all are Steeley Eyed Missile Men 10 points if you can name that movie
  2. Thank you guys very much The only one im teaching is myself haha with the help of experts like you
  3. I took care of the error and got it to deploy Lets see if it works, stand by Thanks for your help! Will post results in a minute
  4. I did try to copy the VIM from the example and import it into the RT part of the project It gave me a conflict that appears to be caused by the fact that LABVIEW knows the file is there but i am telling it to use a different path which is just a copy of it saved to my desktop
  5. I have discoverd what the problem is This is a CRIO real time application The Stall Data can not be used on the RT side apparently. When i go to my host i can search for the VI and it will come up. So back to the 20 million dollar question, how do i delay this data flow for a split second on the RT side
  6. I dont how this is possible
  7. yes im familiar with the quick drop It was not there for some reason, i dont get it
  8. I have gone to the example folders and found the folder but its not in there I have 3 basic examples but not a VI with that in it I am running 2017 pro Is there anyway you could post it for me.
  9. This might be perfect. I dont see it in my labview Where can i get this? Thank you so much
  10. Hi I have a VI that is very complex that i did not write. Needless to say life is difficult right now I need to do the following. The VI outputs a certain enumeration if there is no error. AKA a complete bit However, the complete is happening to fast. I would like to delay the output of this enumeration just by a second Is there any simple way to do this? Thanks
  11. Thanks for your help I will give your suggestions a try I appreciate your concern. I am not teaching lab view It is simply a test bench to develop and test different functions. This is just the main place to select different VI's you want to test is all. Again, i appreciate your help and concerns. I fully agree, im not teaching anyone labview lol im a matlab guy truthfully
  12. I expect to be able to click on the button on the main. Open the VI and use it ( whatever it does) Then close the VI and go back to the main menu It will be a learning tool for students Each button will demonstrate a different feature of labview bools, strings, etc etc
  13. ok will do. I am new here so how do i post a VI? Obviously its different then a text based language? Do i just post the VI files Thanks in advance Boolean_Test.vi Main.vi
  14. Hi team I have a task before me and would like to do the following I have a file path. However, the path has more information in it then needed. In other words, it is drilled down a bit further then i need it to be. I need to some how strip the first bit of the path and take that information and feed it into the default space for an open file button. Does anyone have an recommendations on how to complete this task? Thanks
  15. Hi There I posted a picture of it above Thats all there is Its just a test right now so its just main.vi and bool.vi The main is the picture above with the event structure and the bool.vi is the picture below. its just a switch tied to an LED
  16. Can anyone lend a hand? I am rather confused as why something so seemingly easy has taken me 12 hours Obviously i am not doing something properly
  17. I have fixed the event structure by adding the while loop around it The sub VI still will not run I can flip the switch but the light will not turn on
  18. Hi Thank you for your reply Unfortunately, disabling this feature did not solve the problem I have added to simple pictures of the "main.vi" and the VI its called. As i said this is a very simple case. The bool.VI just simply turns on an LED on its front panel. I can toggle the switch but the light will not come on when the VI opens
  19. Hello I am running a few small tests with a type of sudo menu environment The menu on the "main VI" has several bool buttons tied to an event structure Inside of each event it simply calls the sub vi. The sub vi's are setup to open the front panel when called. However, when the front panel of the sub VI opens and i try to use the functionality of the SUB VI i can hit buttons on the front panel but the action will not complete. Obviously there is an issue with the sub vi's execution. Anyone can help me out with ideas? Thanks
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