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anonimo anonimo

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    LabVIEW 8.0
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  1. Thank you very much, for the quick answer. In any case, would you have a simple example, that could illustrate this case? Thank a lot.
  2. Hi, I have some questions. In the VI: "SQLite.lvlib:Connection.lvclass:Prepare.vi". What is the function of the input "SQL Statement subclass"? On the other hand, I am trying to get the total number of rows after a select. Simply comment, that it is not posible to count the number of rows at the output, because the LIMIT function is used to limit the máximum number of rows at the output. First of all, I thought the input "SQL Statement subclass", the purpose was to put perform operations on a previous select, but I don't know if I am using this function correctly. Thank a lot.
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