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Everything posted by alnaimi

  1. alnaimi

    draw sinwave

    i am connecting my keithely DAQ card to real oscillscope ,,, but i have doubt how to connect it ??? i did like that i toom channel 1 and insert one terminal in ground and other in analog output???
  2. alnaimi

    virtual input

    I have so silly question but plz i need it :$ :$ how can i apply virtual input to labview??? i mean i am using DAQ i need to output sinwave to real oscilscope but teh input will be virtual how?
  3. QUOTE(spacetoon34 @ Jan 15 2007, 06:10 AM) you will get the values depend on the value that device support ..
  4. Hi all , I have question , I am using keithley card 3100 with LABVIEW ,, I am trying to interface oscillscope with the LABVIEW and draw sinwave in the oscillscope I got erroe message : driverlinx invaild subsystem ,,, could you have reason?? why???? Plz help me
  5. hi all , I want to ask about keithley card , if i want to output an analog signal will i need loop in the program??? assume i want to interface oscillscope with labview by the keithley ... will i need loops
  6. THNXXX ALOT but any other suggestion
  7. hi , is there is any icon for oscilloscope in LABVIEW????
  8. Any way .. I am not forcing any one to read my topics!!! if u wanna help then I will be thankfull otherwise u r free 2 say whatever u wana say
  9. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOF I swear its not a HW !!!!!!111 any way ,,, if u dont wanna help its soo Ok with me
  10. Hi all , I need your hep again ,, Assume I wanna build my own library in LABVIEW ,, and I need to Build diode and transistor , coz they are not availble in LABVIEW so could u plz help me ..I have done resistor as an Ohm's las ,, amplifer as multilpication with time ... But I need transistor and diode... Thanks alot for reading my problem...
  11. alnaimi


    :$ what is LabVIEW bookshelf??? sorry sir for botheirng u
  12. alnaimi


    Hi all, any body had a LABVIEW PDF ?? i want any source related to electrical and electronics engineering plz help me I am requestin g some books but I didnot get them so far
  13. thnxxx and sorry for bothering u
  14. Hi all ,, I am in big stuck in some thing ,.. I know its so silly ,,, Could u plz give me the exact place in LABVIEW or can I find the Amplifier ?? thnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx so much
  15. thnxxxx so much that helped me alot ,,, But question how can I use the ICon in the indicated example that U told, It can not be copied.. some thing else some ember here put the multiply icon!!!!that is not amplifier?
  16. hi all , thnx for reading my topic in this great forum , actuallly its my main source of learning LABVIEW.... I have question where can I find amplifier in LABVIEW??????????????????
  17. hi all, I am using keithly pci card and external daq card sta300 ,, I have 16 input channel .. I ned to use diffrentail mode i.e using only 8 channel so how could i do it ...?
  18. Hi all, is there is any icon for amplifer in LABVIEW???f so can u plz help me in that????
  19. accoring to that topic ,, how did u find the ports of ur card by LABVIEW??? BY using teh labview it self?
  20. alnaimi

    STA 300 ,

    its not home worrrk ,, i am not lazy as u may think but i have to extract the port 2 do my experiments n lab view then attach it 2 kit .. this last year project i swear
  21. alnaimi

    STA 300 ,

    thnx for replying ,, but first of all this is not home work ,, its project ,,, i am expecting a help not blaming me,,, i am still student thnx Khalid for ur help my card is kpci 3100
  22. alnaimi

    STA 300 ,

    Hello all, I am using board from keithly and put inside the pc the KPCI then i interface it with STA 300 now I need to find the analog ports in the STA 300,, could u plz help me... i am doing senior project in school of engineering and i am running out of time.. help plz
  23. my card is KPCI 3100 !! but what is MAX??
  24. hI ALL, i have a LED ,, I have the LABVIEW CODE FOR EMIITING THAT LED , now I want to emit a real LED using LABVIEW with interfcaing with KPCI card so could u plz help me??
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