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Everything posted by MViControl

  1. I had solved issues, thanks
  2. Hello all, I plan to add a function in my project to allow user playback how they operate the SW. I saw in some other projects, they can save the "user operation including the GUI" for almost a week, I want to do same thing via LabVIEW, but now I have no idea how to impliment this, anybody have some ideas or experiences? Thx
  3. Hello, I tryed to use "Create Timing source" VI to create a software tiggered timing source, and then use a "Fire software Timing source" VI to trigger it, but it seems I can not trigger the clock, can anybody send me a example of how to use it (I try to search online, but got nothing). Thx
  4. yeap, it was a brand new build specification, I reboot system several times, but it keeps same.
  5. Thanks buddy, I think I should re-install labview, since I even do not have anything in "NI installers to include" List box (as show in attached picture).
  6. Thanks Yair, I tryed to use a very simple example(a vi include a add function only) to find out where the problem is, but after I create the .exe file and then try to create the installer for this .exe file, the same issue happened again. The strange thing is that the error message is same to those displayed before, I attached the more detailed error message as attached file, would you please help. It seems like my application builder missing some key files, but I am not sure.
  7. Hi there, I had completed my program and now want to create installer for customer, but there are error happened(see attached snapshot), can anybody help to solve the issue? Thanks in advance.
  8. I try it, but it seems doesn't work, the cell in collum 3 still editable! Besides, if I click more than 4 times in the listbox, the program will not response any event, even the "stop".
  9. hi, I want to disable a collum of a multi-Listbox so that user can not change the content in that collum, is there a way to do that?
  10. After Reinstall the NI-VISA, everything fine now:=)
  11. I use NI-VISA 4.5.1, I will try to reinstall the driver, hope it works. I tryed already, it do not help, I think I should try to reinstall NI-VISA.
  12. I tested my code in another PC which have same configuration with the one have problem, the vi works fine.
  13. Yes, I see nothing except the "fresh", but I can see & operate "serial port", "GPIB" in MAX sucessfuly. here is VISA Resource name when I click the menu button:
  14. I think you misunderstand my point. here the problem is that I have the menu in the control, but when I click menu, there are no any item in the menu except "fresh"
  15. All, I have sucessfully installed Agilent 82530B GPIB card in my system, and I enabled VISA for LabVIEW, I can operate this card in NI-MAX, but when I want to select this card, I suddenly found that the "VISA Resource name" have no pop up menu any more. before I install the GPIB card, the "VISA Resource name" can list all ports in the system. Any one have ideas about how to solve this issue? Thx in advance.
  16. Hi, I installed NI Vision development module 8.6.4 and Labview 2009, both installation are fine, but when I try to use the subvi, I suddenly found that no vision vi in control panel and function panel, how can I make the NI Vision development module 8.6.4 run with labview 2009?
  17. Hi all, in what way you do the bit operation in labview? I found that there are no bit operation function in labview pannel(does not like << or >> in c).
  18. Thanks, just want to know how people handle this. B.T.W how you handle the replacement of the file contents(if you just write txt to file, it will attached from the last point of orignal contents, if you write from the start point of the file, there will be a orignal line left in the last line of the new file), I delet the orignal file and create a new file to avoid this.
  19. Hi all, I have a .txt file which includes several lines, and I want to delete certain line(e.g. line 5) in the file, I found Labview have no function for this, so I would like to operate like following steps: 1. open file in read/write mode; 2. read all lines to a array; 3. delete the line in the array; 4.write updated array to the file(replace all the old contents) do you have any other way to operate this easier?
  20. Hi, I am working with Multicolumn Listbox, and I want to change the display method of one column of the Listbox to those like password display (i.e ***), but I do not know how to achive this. Besides, I want to insert a combo box in one colomn for each element so that customer can input easily, can any body help on these 2 issue?
  21. All, Does anyone know how to disable "automatic tool selection" of tools palette in LV2009 when LV2009 startup?
  22. All, If the difference between "Local variable" and "property value" is only UI Thread swapping(assume they are all consume memory), then I think we should only use "property" to handle those things related to the GUI, and local variable would be better to handle caculation in background etc. If I am wrong, please correct me.
  23. Hello, Does anyone know the different between "property->Value" and "Local Variable", I feel they have same funtion in Labview.
  24. Thanks buddy, now I know the options
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