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Bjarne Joergensen

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    LabVIEW 2019
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  1. Hi I have found out that it's not only a problem in LabVIEW, but in windows and all applications. regards Bjarne
  2. Hi ShaunR The curser on the picture is one I have drawn! When you make a "PrtSC" the curser don't get copied ;(
  3. Hi I got a problem with my mouser curser. It does not change style when hovering over objects. It is always an arrow. If I open the Tool box window, I can see it's changing to another tool when hovering, but the curser don't. It's only observed at one PC. I have tried to repair LabVIEW. Using LV2019 Windows 10 I control the PC via TeamViewer (but I also have a similar PC controlled via TeamViewer that don't have this problem). /Bjarne
  4. Hi Sorry the late response. I have been spoken to a NI engineer and it looks like combability problem with the MXI card. It's not supporting Win10. I have ordered new MXI card and I'll went back when I get the new card and I know it has solved the problem. Hopefully ultimo November. Regards Bjarne
  5. Thanks Mads I'll have a look at that /Bjarne
  6. Hi Some of our oscilloscope measurement hold 50000 samples. I don't want to fill up our DB with so many records so I was looking for an algorithm for reducing the amount of point and still have a reasonable presentation of the graph in the DB. I was told about the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm. Does anyone know about a LabVIEW implementation of this algorithm? Or is there another good solution to the task? Thanks in advance. Regards Bjarne
  7. Hi Update: Started Self Calibration yesterday afternoon This morning I got this error in MAX: /Bjarne
  8. NI-5124 PXI oscilloscope failing. 1. It’s placed in a system that has run for 20 years on Windows XP and Labview 8.2.1 2. PXI rack 1045 3. Mxi: PXI-MXI-4 (PCI-8336 and PXI-8336) 4. Now the PC is upgraded to a new one with Windows 10 and LV15. 5. After new PC the system started, I can see all cards in PXI rack in MAX 6. I can communicate with all card but not NI5124 Scope. 7. When I try to launch Testpanels for Ni5124 I got the following error: Image "Briton_0.png" 8. I can launch Testpanels when I point at NI4070 DMM in MAX. I can then open a new fan and choose Oscilloscope 9. When pressing Run/Stop I got this error: 10. NI MAX pictures: MAX can´t recognize the type of the PXI bridge, but it is a PXI-MXI-4 (PCI-8336 and PXI-8336) 11. Error code -1074108967 occurred at an unidentified location 12. I have looked for solution at NI for error -50550 and found this: Solution These error codes indicate fairly general problems that can be caused by either hardware or software. You can resolve these errors through one of the troubleshooting steps below: Reset the device in Measurement & Automation Explorer, then try the self-calibrate again. Reboot the PC or PXI controller. Try a different PCI or PXI slot. If you are using a remote controller (i.e PCIe-8361) make sure the MXI card has the DIP Switch in the correct position, either ON if you are using BIOS Compatibility Mode or OFF if you are not. I have tried 1, 2 and 3 => did not help. About 1 Reset and Self-test is success but Self- Calibrate is just running for ever. @4 If this was not setup correctly, I assume the PC would not be able to see the PXI rack and modules in it. I have tried to delete all LabVIEW and device driver SW on the PC and then installed it again. I still got the same error! What could be my next step? Thanks in advance /Bjarne PS: I also posted the question in NI-forum, but none has responded yet and then I think the hard core fellows at LAVAG could help me https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/PXI-NI-5124-error-code-50550/m-p/4180536#M1208650
  9. Hi Thanks I´ll stick to 2020 for both LabVIEW and TestStand There's a lot of thinks going on at NI that I think we all are a little bit nervous to hear about /Bjarne
  10. Hi We are going to upgrade our LabVIEW 2015 to ? Should we go for the latest version 2020, one in between or wait for 2021? We will also start using TestStand and I have the same question for that. 2020 or older. Thanks in advance Bjarne
  11. Sorry for late reaction. I manage to get i to work by using "Microsoft TreeView Control 5.0 (SP2)" instead of "Microsoft TreeView Control 6.0 (SP6)" and "Microsoft Windows Common Controls 5.0 (SP2) Version 1.3" It works on my PC, but when I export the VI to another PC it's seems it fall back to "Microsoft TreeView Control 6.0 (SP6)":(
  12. I tried to download VBRT, but it didn't help. I don't know if it's a part of it?. When you have to register things in SysWOW64 , do you then use Regsvr32?
  13. Edit: I found this "mscomctl.ocx" under SysVow64. I have registered it, but LabVIEW still say it's not registered! Has it something to do with LV15 =32bit and "msconctl.ocx" is in 64bit system folder?
  14. Hi I got an old LabVIEW 8.2 VI that use ITreeView under Windows XP. It works fine. Now I have upgraded to LV15 and Windows 8.1 and I got an error "Library not registered in mxLT Open Tree Control.vi" I would like register the library, but where do I find it? I have search the WEB but didn't find anything i could use(or understand;)) Edit: I found this "mscomctl.ocx" under SysVow64. I have registered it, but LabVIEW still say it's not registered! Has it something to do with LV15 =32bit and "msconctl.ocx" is in 64bit system folder? Here is the BD of "mxLT Open Tree Control.vi": Hope someone can give me a clue:) Thanks in advance /Bjarne
  15. Please don't misunderstand me ? My intention was to remind my developer group to remember the prefix on the file names and make them sure they don't want the prefix if they try to save without!
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