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Eugen Graf

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Everything posted by Eugen Graf

  1. What is the best possibility to get a big dataset from subvi to caller vi? Will this dataset be copied if I do it over connector pane? I think better way is not to collect this data in subvi and try to design the subvi as easy as possible, but if I do it than my caller vis block diagramm will be much bigger in pixels. Thanks, Eugen
  2. And what is with tunnels ?
  3. Thank you all for explanations. Regards, Eugen
  4. QUOTE (crelf @ Jun 9 2008, 03:01 PM) Ok, a pointer, not a "C-local variable"? Or is it like this? struct inputs1; struct inputs2; struct outputs1; struct outputs2; and if i call a SubVI, than VI2(inputs2) { return output2=0 } VI1(inputs1) { return output1 = VI2(inputs1); } and so on. I think you understand what I mean. Thank you
  5. Some VIs for download you will find here: http://www.labviewtutorial.eu/viewforum.php?f=71 Regards, Eugen
  6. Is a data wire a node ? I think a node shoud have: Input Output Functionatity A wire has it (Funktionality is the tamporary saving of data value). What do you think about it?
  7. Ok, thank you for answers! 1) Where can I see if a member VI is dynamically or statically defined (e.g. if I get a OOP project from other people)? 2) Can I change a static member VI to dynamical and back after definition? Should I always take better dynamical? 3) Can I use one dynamical member VI on more than one loop in my programm parallely (for copies of the same class) or it's the same as staticaly use in this issue? Reentrant VI is other thing as statical or dynamical member VI? QUOTE Is there a possibility to update Bundle/Unbundle Node by rightklicking or sth. like this? QUOTE The class data already acts as a private typedef for all member VIs in the class. That's the encapsulation mechanism. Yes, right, but I think e.g. if I change a name of an member, my Bundle/Unbundle will not be automatically updated like if I use Strickt Type Definitions.
  8. So, ok. I will use a task (loop) for each class and communicate over queues, notifiers or user events. Can anybody explain me please when I should use dynamic member VIs and when to use static member VIs? And the next question is how can I define class members so, if I add new members or remove some members, all member VIs will update the class cluster? Should I define the class cluster as typedef for it? Thank You.
  9. Can be, VISA driver is not installed on your PC ?
  10. Ok, thank You both! I understand this very good, but that is really bad! Do NI want in the next time implement this feature or it will always stay by "pass by value"? If not, I don't see any advantages in use LVOOP. Thank You
  11. Hello LAVAs! I began with OOP and want to use one Class in two parallel while loops. I have created a class with a Enum Member and Read and Write this member VIs (Set& Get Methods). So the upper loop should Increment this Enum on Buttonclick. I Read this Enum using Read, increment and Write the enum. The bottom loop should Read the enum and Swith the Switch-Case structure. But nothing happens. Can You explain me please why it doesn't work? Thank You, Regards, Eugen
  12. I don`t understand why you do not connect the data from Enqueue to the loop termination terminal. And I think to use "0"-timeout is not really good. I preffer "-1" as timeout value.
  13. Hello, your company uses SVN Server as SCC and TortoiseSVN as front end for it. I bought the PushOK plug in to be able to use SVN directly from LV Project Manager. It seems to work, but I get some problems in understanding it. My questions are: 1) Which architecture do you use in repositories? 2) I or we use this one: Local path of a project is e.g C:\MyFiles\LVProjects\TestPrj So the main module in rep is: TestPrj\trunk (the current copy of the project) TestPrj\branches (versions of the project) TestPrj\tags (releases of the project) What is the best way to set up SCC in LabVIEW to realize this architecture? 3) If I create a new project I do project-specific settings for SCC: main-module for Project-Repository is TestPrj\trunk branches and tags directories will be automaticaly detected But the local path too ( C:\MyFiles\LVProjects\TestPrj\trunk ), but this is wrong, so I have to change it manually. Any better ways to make it automatically? 4) How can I get any older version of my project from the repository-server? Should I delete my current Project-Directory and check out version I need in the empty directory? I think I get some problems on this step. How do you do this? Can you explain me please? 5) Are there any tutorials how to use SCC in LabVIEW rightly? Thank you in advice, Eugen
  14. QUOTE (hepman @ Mar 31 2008, 09:30 PM) You can define your connectors as required, so you will get an error if this connector is not connected.
  15. QUOTE (ibbuntu @ Mar 21 2008, 09:29 AM) Yes, I agree, the dispatcher tryes to send a message to a client, and if it doesn't work, than gives up. But that it only a implementation problem. I am working now on the handshake between dispatcher and clients, that should give more safety in the communication. So you can detect if a client is alive or not. If not you can fire a error message in your programm. Bot othersides if you want, you can try to send your message again and again from dispatcher to client. In fact I never got problems in communication in my design pattern. Only if a client is not alive or the (TCP/IP) connection is broken. I don't think the implementation of this pattern in your code is a big issue. E.g. I installed a dispatcher executable on a web server, and rewritten (in 5 minutes) my TCP-Client-Example to the string messages, so I got a working web-chat. That works very stable. If anybody want to test it, so mail me. Regards, Eugen
  16. Hello Tom, please try this design pattern, I think it will solve your issues. http://forums.lavag.org/Publish-Subscribe-file122.html With this pattern you can communicate between different loops and PCs. P.S. I think any type of variables (locals, globals and shared) takes some traffic. If you don`t want to check if a variable is blank or not, so use VIs from the synchronisation palette. E.g. Queue or notifier, if you want to mix user input with programm data, so use user events. Reagrds, Eugen
  17. QUOTE (Ale914 @ Mar 20 2008, 04:20 PM) Alessandro, would you tell me please if you got synchronized your PhpBB3 Forum with your Mambo CMS? Or you don`t have users in your CMS, but only in Forum? Thanks
  18. QUOTE (Jim Kring @ Mar 20 2008, 05:40 PM) Ok, my first Idea was to publish the Design Pattern "Publish Subscriber", am realy ardent about such things. But not only this design pattern, more the communication between parallely threads, and administration tools for such projects. So I want, that other people discuss my tutorials, and installed a forum on my site. Now I installed CMS, so any people can publish their tutorials and discuss them in my forum. So they are my motivation and intention. Eugen
  19. QUOTE (crelf @ Mar 19 2008, 10:49 PM) The motivation is: To create a worldwide LabVIEW community in multiple languages (everybody can mail me and ask if I open a new subforum/tutorial site in his language. I don't speak more than three languages, so I have only this three subforums and tutorial sites) To make tutorials for everybody, who want to write own articles. And the basic motivation is, that I want have my own blog, where I can publish my tutorials I think LAVA is very good, big and nice LabVIEW Portal, but it's only in english-american. Please don't misunderstand me, I only want to have my own ressource, why not ? Look on C/C++, Java, PHP and so on Communities. There are thousands of them, and for LV only NI LAVA LabVIEW Forum and some russian forums (I don't bear other countries in my mind) Not to much. Regards, Eugen QUOTE (Ale914 @ Mar 20 2008, 02:12 PM) Eugen if you are cosidering to support italian language too, remember that an Italian forum is already up www.ilvg.it Ciao, Alessandro. Nice, Alessandro. Is it forbidden to support italian language, because an Italian foum exists? Sorry, I don't understand you. If anybody will want to open an italian subforum in LVTutorial Forum, I will setup one. No problem.
  20. QUOTE (TobyD @ Mar 19 2008, 10:50 PM) Ok, the website is under construction now. But I will have following. this forum on the main page www.labviewtutorial.eu and three links (country flags) from forum to three tutorial pages: http://www.labviewtutorial.eu/de http://www.labviewtutorial.eu/en http://www.labviewtutorial.eu/ru From each tutorial page you will be able to switch back to the forum or select one other language tutorial page. Thanks for feedback, I hope my tutorials will be helpfull to all LabVIEW users.
  21. Can you say me please if it's allowed to use LAVAs RSS Feeds on my website? Thanks in advanced.
  22. Please look this example: http://www.labviewtutorial.eu/forum/viewto...p?f=22&t=24 So if you want to read serial port continiously, put the VISA read VI into the while loop!
  23. QUOTE (crelf @ Feb 12 2008, 06:57 PM) So, english version should work now http://www.labviewtutorial.eu/en The content will come.
  24. I use Queues and Notifiers for this.
  25. QUOTE (mross @ Mar 11 2008, 11:56 AM) I think on a running VI or Application, so not in edit mode. You can use an event structure to catch the (double) click event on the table. Eugen
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