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  1. I'm working on a login/privilege escalation feature that uses domain user/PW and got LDAP authentication figured out, but I was hoping to avoid just using a labview string control for the password entry b/c of security (VI Server, unencrypted, etc). I am trying to call CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials and launch the native windows login dialog. It is a function in the System32\credui.dll but I can't get the parameters right. I keep getting a return value of A0(160) and no dialog. I think it is the PCREDUI_INFO type screwing it up. It needs: DWORD WINAPI CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials( _In_opt_ PCREDUI_INFO pUiInfo, _In_ DWORD dwAuthError, _Inout_ ULONG *pulAuthPackage, _In_opt_ LPCVOID pvInAuthBuffer, _In_ ULONG ulInAuthBufferSize, _Out_ LPVOID *ppvOutAuthBuffer, _Out_ ULONG *pulOutAuthBufferSize, _Inout_opt_ BOOL *pfSave, _In_ DWORD dwFlags ); I've been told that Rolf would be able to solve this in 30 seconds. Help me LAVA! You're my only hope!
  2. we're using LDAP and I found this thread that had an easier solution using PrincipleContext. https://lavag.org/topic/15260-labview-and-windows-authentication/ look for the 3 example VIs about half way down. I'm now trying to pop the native windows credential dialog to avoid having a labview string control (security risk), but I can't get the winAPI call to work.
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