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Everything posted by maximus

  1. Hello, I want to create a chm help file for my vi's, including the buttons Place on the block diagram and Find on the Functions palette. To do this, I added the Labview-help javascripts into my helpsource, and I inserted the following rule into objectnames.js: var object5001 = "my_own_vi.vi"; Now, I call to the helpserver (in my html-source): onClick="placeObject(object5001);" After this, Labview is indeed asked to do something, but then shows the message: Object not found. The object might exist in a different palette view or might not be supported on the execution target currently selected. Select Tools>>Options to change the palette view or select Operate>>Select Execution Target to change the execution target. So he don't know what to do with "my_own_vi.vi" It is in the functions-pallete. Should I somewhere (and how?) register this vi or something? Anyone an idea???
  2. It looks like a C-programmer tries LabVIEW
  3. We work with a 21' monitor
  4. Hi, Is there a spell-check which I can use in my LabVIEW programm? (LabVIEW, CIN, dll). And can I use my own libary for it? thank you in advance...
  5. Artist: DJ Ti
  6. From MSDN: Use the RecordCount property to find out how many records are in a Recordset object. The property returns -1 when ADO cannot determine the number of records or if the provider or cursor type does not support RecordCount. Reading the RecordCount property on a closed Recordset causes an error. There are four different cursor types defined in ADO: Dynamic cursor: allows you to view additions, changes, and deletions by other users; allows all types of movement through the Recordset that doesn't rely on bookmarks; and allows bookmarks if the provider supports them. Keyset cursor: behaves like a dynamic cursor, except that it prevents you from seeing records that other users add, and prevents access to records that other users delete. Data changes by other users will still be visible. It always supports bookmarks and therefore allows all types of movement through the Recordset. Static cursor: provides a static copy of a set of records for you to use to find data or generate reports; always allows bookmarks and therefore allows all types of movement through the Recordset. Additions, changes, or deletions by other users will not be visible. This is the only type of cursor allowed when you open a client-side Recordset object. Forward-only cursor: allows you to only scroll forward through the Recordset. Additions, changes, or deletions by other users will not be visible. This improves performance in situations where you need to make only a single pass through a Recordset. Set the CursorType property prior to opening the Recordset to choose the cursor type, or pass a CursorType argument with the Open method. see also MSDN - Recordset Object
  7. Why do difficult if it can be very simple? You can use a databasetoolkit for example There is a company in the netherlands called T&M-Solutions who build a own toolkit and databasewizard. This toolkit makes it posible to work easily with Labview and Databases with a small knowledge of databases. It uses the express-technology to easily work with databases. You can select (in the express-screen) which columns you want to read/write to your database. This columns can you wire easily to the VI as a cluster/ array of clusters (not as a variant), so you don't have irritating casting stuff in your code. please, take a look at the website T&M Solutions Database toolkit for LabVIEW.
  8. How do you see that? goop that is talking to the beans, or beans who are talking to your labview program??? And why not corba or webservices? You can define an IDL, and implements it with goop or something like that. Than you can call the methods from Java via the ORB (Object Request Broker)...
  9. that's the reason, i've got no problems with passwords
  10. I reorganized the layout of the templates used by goop (include strict type defs), to my personal layout, and i've got no problems.
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