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Everything posted by CIPLEO

  1. Hello, I'm trying to run a LabVIEW web service using the HTTPS protocol. I have published my webservice on a windows server. I tested with another machine (client) this webservice and all works correctly. Then I wanted to enable HTTPS on the web service, so I created a self-signed certificate configured with the server's IP address, which I installed on the server and the client machine (my computer). On the client side, I manage to go through the server, but an error message tells me that it can't find the url of my web service method. It's as if my web service didn't exist, but it works if I use HTTP. Below are the images of my web service configuration : I'm also displaying the error I get when I make the request: Thank you in advance for your reply.
  2. Hello, I wanted to make an executable that would build a project using the LabVIEW VIs found in : C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2020\vi.lib\AppBuilder\AB_API\Build However, I get error 7 when I run my executable. Get LV Class Default Value.vi<APPEND> <b>Complete call chain:</b> Get LV Class Default Value.vi AB_API Factory.vi NI_AB_API_Build.lvclass:Open Build.vi test_build_for_exe.vi <b>LabVIEW attempted to load the class at this path:</b> C:\Users\xxxxx\Desktop\builds\vi.lib\AppBuilder\AB_API\EXE\NI_AB_API_EXE.lvclass. After some research ( https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z0000019O6PSAU&l=fr-FR ) I saw that the classes should be put in the "Always Included" section. However, the classes my VI uses are in my project's dependencies, so I can't include them. How can I include classes that are in a project's dependencies when creating an executable? See you soon
  3. Thanks for the reply, I'll give it a try.
  4. Hello, I have a simple webservice in a LabVIEW project and I'd like to deploy it on AWS EC2. I can't find any documentation/video on the internet about it. Can anyone help me? I've created an EC2 instance, my labview project is running locally, what are the next steps? Do I need to install LabVIEW on the instance by connecting remotely? Thanks in advance
  5. Thank you for your answers. I will look at these threads.
  6. Hi, I am looking to transform a JSON string into a cluster in LabVIEW using the "Unflatten From JSON" function. However I have a problem that I can't find a way to translate an array mixing several data types. Here strings, numbers and cluster (for the cluster, I'm not sure, but since clusters are usually represented by "{}" this is my first idea) I've put a snip of the code (for example). I would like to know if there are possibilities to read this kind of JSON string with the "Unflatten From JSON" function or that unfortunately this function does not take into account this kind of case. Thank you in advance for your answers.
  7. Thank you Rolf and ShaunR for your answers. I tested the function "GetValueByPointer.xnode" which works well but as you said when you create an executable it does not work anymore. So I looked at the thread you linked me and I found a second solution which you are also the author working in both cases. So I have the impression that the second solution is the best in my case. Are there any weak points that I did not see or understand?
  8. Hello, I am trying to interface the HDF5 DLL to read the contents of a file in the same format. My problem appears when I try to read an attribute composed of a "char*". When I try to read it through the "Call Library Function Node" LabVIEW refuses to read the string. I tried several settings of the call dll, trying to read a string by testing the 4 proposed formats but also by reading an array of U8 that I transform into string thereafter. For some settings LabVIEW crashes, for others it returns an incomplete and incorrect string. Look at the code : Not being able to read directly with LabVIEW I tried in C to read this same file by using the same functions, I obtain well the expected string. What confirms me in my idea that the problem comes from LabVIEW or my parameterization of the call of the DLL. Can you help to understand my problem ? I put you in attachment a file composed of the VI on which you have the code trying to read the DLL, the dll hdf5 and a capture of the code in C. NB : I use LabVIEW 2020 64 bits. DLL_HDF5.zip
  9. Hello ZOU and Rolph, Thanks for your answer, I modified the manifest so that the executable runs as administrator.
  10. Hello, I would like to generate a manifest to modify the configuration of an executable so that it launches as administrator. For that I followed the LabVIEW link : https://www.ni.com/docs/fr-FR/bundle/labview/page/lvhowto/editing_app_manifests.html However the command "mt.exe -inputresource:directorypath:applicationname.exe -out:applicationname.manifest" given by LabVIEW does not work for me. When I run the command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10.0.22621.0\x86\mt.exe" -inputresource: "C:\Users\user_name\Desktop\exe\Installer.exe" -out:Installer.manifest Here is what I get: Microsoft (R) Manifest Tool Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Thank you for your answer Translated with DeepL
  11. Hello Rolf, Thank you very much for your answer, indeed I had seen this option so I'll go on it.
  12. Hello, So I tried the command line: BROWSER='chromium' xdg-open 'https://startpage.com' It still doesn't work but the error is different I get: /usr/bin/xdg-open: line 779: chromium: command not found /usr/bin/xdg-open: line 779: chromium: command not found xdg-open: no method available for opening 'https://www.google.fr' PS : here I try to open only a google page I had seen on some forums that modifying the "xdg-open" file would be a solution but I didn't dare to touch it. I did add "chromium" to the second line of a part of the file. if [x"$BROWSER" = x""]; then BROWSER=www-browser:links2:elinks:links:lynx:w3m:chromium
  13. Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to launch an executable via a VI and if it is possible to launch it as an administrator ? Or if it is possible that the VIPM launches my VI as an adminitrator after the installation of a packet ? Thank you for your answer
  14. Thank you for your answer I will try and get back to you.
  15. Hello, I'm trying to open an HTML file in google chrome via the VI System Exec.vi under NI Linux, for this I had to install the "xdg-utils" package. With the Linux terminal the command "xdg-open [file path] works fine. However, when I execute the code with LabVIEW the VI returns the following error (standard error indicator): /usr/bin/xdg-open: line 779: www-browser: command not found /usr/bin/xdg-open: line 779: links2: command not found /usr/bin/xdg-open: line 779: elinks: command not found /usr/bin/xdg-open: line 779: links: command not found /usr/bin/xdg-open: line 779: lynx: command not found /usr/bin/xdg-open: line 779: w3m: command not found xdg-open: no method available for opening '/home/lvuser/Desktop/Reports/20221128/FileHTML.html' After some research I understood that this was due to the fact that the default opening of the file is not goole chrome. So I executed the following commands in the terminal: - xdg-mime query default x-scheme-handle/http - xdg-mime query default x-scheme-handle/https - xdg-mime query default text/html But nothing does with LabVIEW it does not work but works with the Linux terminal. I join you the code (using LabVIEW 2020). Thanks for your feedback. code.vi
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