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    family, LabVIEW, money if i had any, TV if i had time

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    LabVIEW 8.2
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  1. has now set his status

  2. ok. its great LAVA is back
  3. Should i re import picture and rewrite info?
  4. Thank you for bringing it back! i missed it
  5. QUOTE (Tim_S @ May 17 2009, 04:49 AM) Yes, but how about i just copy a project from one computer to the next, which doesnt have the drivers of the e.g. hp81341 installed. why do i now need to go and look for them on the internet? on my laptop i dont have DAQmx installed (lazy me), why cant i open the project which i started on my lab computer? QUOTE (BobHamburger @ May 18 2009, 02:27 AM) I'd go one step further: set up a machine with separate boot partitions for each version of LV that you want to install and support. It's a royal pain to approach it this way, as it requires you to re-install all of the toolkits as you mentioned, but from my perspective it's the only sure-fire way to keep the various versions completely clean and self-consistent. When you install newer versions, there's an annoying tendency for the newer drivers, DAQ stuff, etc., to overwrite what's already in place. Our friends at NI naturally assume that all you're ever interested in is upgrading to the latest and greatest. it doesnt solve the original issue of the drivers, but : Yes, with all the pain involved with different LV versions this might be the only solution. maybe we can ask NI that future versions keep encapsulation into a single folder. also, we need a 'check and update' button: whenever a new version is installed, check for older version for drivers, toolkits...
  6. QUOTE (Mark Yedinak @ May 16 2009, 04:35 PM) the project explorer doesnt help for toolkit vis, drivers, or DAQmx. it is simply not part of the explorer. one workaround is to always save a copy of the vis in the project directory. didnt do that up to now. another problem i have is : why should i reinstall all the toolkits for every future installation of LV, if: 1- i didnt buy the new version of the toolkit, or the toolkit didnt change 2- the application saved in a previous version with drivers, where the drivers are installed on the LV folder. open the application in a new LV version, you lost the reference to these drivers. Do I need to reinstall all the drivers? 3- DAQmx hasnt changed - why should i reinstall it? it is clear that to keep compatibility we need to keep versions of these toolkits on the original LV version. But there must be a simple option to compare / export all vis to the next version. if its not yet existing...we need to take the challenge!
  7. There must be an easy solution for this, or NI is not doing it right: at one client i have LV8, at another LV 8.2 (computer 1) and LV8.5 (computer 2), the beta version and LV8.5 on my computer. that is becoming too messy with the different applications. example 1: i have all the toolkits, drivers and DAQmx installed in 8.5. as i test the LV 2009, i did not install the toolkits. now i open an application that requires DAQmx, and i need to tell LV where to find it. i am afraid to do so, as it will be saved along with the application in LV9. there should be a command to import all toolkits and drivers from previous versions. example 2: on one computer i have some instrument drivers installed (LV8). if i save the whole hierarchy for using in another computer, short of saving the whole user.lib and vi.lib, i have no way to export the actual drivers. my workaround right now is save to previous version, but it should not be. so in short: how to make applications and project compatible on different versions/computers, without having to fiddle with it for 2h each time?
  8. QUOTE (Don Kirkby @ May 5 2009, 07:50 PM) Both as a developer and a big user of LV drivers from a lot of instruments, I cannot agree more! those amateur engineers who thinks their instrument communication protocol is so unique it should be hidden under piles of password protected LV files that are buggy, badly written and lack features, should be shot on spot!
  9. arg ! this is damned too addictive! 14th level and going...
  10. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ May 2 2009, 08:02 PM) it wont work for menu items. the Windows control solution is your only way out.
  11. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Apr 27 2009, 10:19 PM) So effectively this is a race condition between events. Why are static vs dynamic handled in different queues? just curiosity.
  12. the FX6300G was actually already a pretty advanced calculating machine. i can guess your young age from it! It was also pretty sleek for its time. I got myself a Sharp, EL9300 with added memory and an equation solver. still use it sometimes, and have some cool programs still in there...
  13. QUOTE (jlokanis @ Apr 20 2009, 10:42 PM) Wouwaw Professor! I bow to you! This is solving all online support issues. Thanks!
  14. QUOTE (ShaunR @ Apr 20 2009, 11:23 PM) i'm in love with queues...cant get enough of them! i have now transformed my design template with queues all around. have only two loops on the main diagram, Event and data display. all the rest is passed trough subs using queue. very satisfied! But still cant get around the LVOOP: to me, nothings yet beats a good old cluster with LV2 types constructors/destructors (or directly references). maybe because i'm still on 8.2 tough.
  15. QUOTE (crelf @ Nov 9 2008, 05:35 PM) This is quite dependant on the system. i found that for most, actually I is all you need. P is for first estimation and D serve as first order correction. I never used the PID toolkit, and always developed mines alone. here is an overall simple approach you could try: X= value wanted X1= value wanted - actual value X2= previous X1 correction parameter = AX+BX1 +C(X1-X2) A,B and C are the weight you are going to put on each of the element, in order to reach target value. I propose you activate them in steps, by first approaching solution with A, then correct for constant offset with B. you might have to tune down A quite a bit doing so. finally, minimise fluctuations with C. You will want to keep C at a minimum level. implementing in LV is elementary. enjoy!
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