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Everything posted by menghuihantang

  1. QUOTE(Neville D @ Jan 10 2006, 04:30 PM) Never come back. What happened
  2. I am trying to capture a mouse left click event and get the position of the click. Anyone has the idea? Thanks.
  3. QUOTE(TobyD @ Nov 2 2007, 12:26 PM) TobyD, I tried, but I don't think it's going to work. Playing with structure elements is a mess and complicated, because for an end point, it can have one or two neighbors whose positions can be anywhere around the end point. So one type of structure only covers one of the many possible cases. I don't know, it doesn't seem promising to me.
  4. QUOTE(TobyD @ Nov 2 2007, 01:26 PM) I see your point. :thumbup: That's worth trying. Thanks for reminding of that. I will post what I got later.
  5. QUOTE(TobyD @ Nov 2 2007, 11:38 AM) The counting objects function is there, so is filling holes function. BUT the trimming/pruning and finding neighbor pixels are not available unless I am totally blind to them. I hope you can prove me wrong.
  6. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Nov 1 2007, 05:05 PM) I hope you could have seen the smiling face right ahead of the title. Complaining? How could that be a possibility :thumbup: Anyway, I appreciate every response.QUOTE(eaolson @ Nov 1 2007, 05:20 PM) What you mean here really isn't clear. On a 2D grid, any pixel has eight neighbors. The neighbors I mentioned here refer to those foreground pixels, which are part of an object.or put it in a simple way, the neighbors with a value 1
  7. nobody knows about these. OR never care...
  8. I was trying to process some fiber images. One of the steps is to get the skeletons of all fibers and count the numbers. But the skeletons are not very clean, small branches at the end. Usually imaging software has the trimming function to get rid of those, but I have difficulty finding such a function in LabVIEW vision, or LavVIEW doesn't have one at all? And another function which can return the numbers of neighbors for each pixel seems also unavailable in LavVIEW. Does anyone have any idea how to achieve these two functions? Appreciate it.
  9. The first thing after registration is to introduce yourself. OK. Physically, I am a male, with only two eyes and one mouth, unfortunately; Mentally, I think I am a human being born on the Earth instead of Mars or wherever else; Gladly to join you and the world of LabView.
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