Hello LAVA community!
We've built a free, open-source visual programming IDE that comes with out-of-the-box support for SCPI and most popular instrument brands (NI, Keysight, Tektronix, Rhode & Shwarz, etc).
We're looking for beta users and feedback to make this Desktop app as useful as possible. It's completely free and does not require any coding or command-line knowledge. In particular, we're looking for feedback on how this early version of Flojoy compares to LabVIEW and TestStand. Here are a few getting started links:
Download Flojoy (for Mac, Windows, or Linux)
Flojoy examples for Tektronix instruments
Flojoy examples for other hardware devices and instruments
[Advanced] How to build your own Flojoy drivers and blocks in Python
YouTube channel
If you have questions or need help connecting to an instrument, please simply reply below or join our Discord chat. If you don't see your instrument supported in Flojoy's blocks, let us know and we may be able to add it for you.
Screenshot of Flojoy desktop app: