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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I have PCB with MAXIM IC Max17312 and it uses one wire communication. I have DS9490R one wire adapter and DS9481-37C one wire adapter. Both the adapter can detect the target IC (MAX17312) with their MAXIM software. And I'm trying to communicate through labview with this anyone of the adapters mentioned above. I have few questions 1.How can I read or write the date from Max17312 IC using One wire adapter? 2. Which one wire adapter will support labview to communicate with this Max17312 IC? Have anyone worked with this IC or one wire communication? I tried using dll file but no hope i"m getting errors. Please anyone help me out Thanks Nhizanth
  2. Benoit


    Version 1.0.0


    This tool-set gives access to all the 1-wire TMEX functionality. I was able to access 1-wire memory with this library. It has all the basic VI to allow communication with any 1-wire device on the market. It needs to be used in a project so the selection of the .dll 64 bit or 32 bit is done automatically. It works with the usb and the serial 1-wire adapter.
  3. View File 1-Wire.zip This tool-set gives access to all the 1-wire TMEX functionality. I was able to access 1-wire memory with this library. It has all the basic VI to allow communication with any 1-wire device on the market. It needs to be used in a project so the selection of the .dll 64 bit or 32 bit is done automatically. It works with the usb and the serial 1-wire adapter. Submitter Benoit Submitted 06/01/2018 Category Hardware LabVIEW Version
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