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Found 2 results

  1. I would like to know if there is a parameter in line scan camera which allow me to control time trigger along NI MAX or labview with imaqdx. I mean, I would like to triggering camera during 100ms which specific shutter and specific line/sec. And if I change shutter or line/sec the time trigger keep being the same (100ms) I don't know if this is possible with some parameter of line scan camera. Thanks a lot.
  2. I would like to try and upgrade my current CCD (pretty close to 640x480) to a higher res model (1080p). Here are my two requirements: It has to work LabVIEW/Vision software (could interface through GIG-E/IP or whatever) It has to fit inside of a tube about this size: (marker for scale) http://i.imgur.com/9i8nPRE.jpg The housing tube can be increased in size up to about a 1.25" diameter the tube runs back 2' until it opens up into an open space where we have a gigabit switch. The camera could just have a telescoping lens or be small enough to fit in a tube that size with the cables running out the back of the tube. I have been searching Hobby sites and small electronic sites/stores but nothing has caught my eye yet. I am hoping someone here may be using some CCD (maybe for security reasons?) that does pretty close to what I need. Thanks for any help!
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