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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I have written two programs client and server. The general idea is to make it a simple communicator on a local network to send three types of data string, 2 dimensional matrix and image + null message. For now the server sends data and the client receives. Ideally the two programs should be able to both receive and send data. However, I am most concerned about error 91 (Error 91 occurred at Variant To Data in CLIENT.vi). This may be related to the fact that when a timeout occurs, data is sent that the client does not know how to handle. How to maintain communication between the two applications? Probably this is something trivial that I can't see. I would appreciate your help. Programs are in this zip file. tcp_communicator.zip
  2. https://www.winemantech.com/blog/testscript-python-labview-connector From release blog... Summary: Test engineers typically add manual-control screens to LabVIEW applications. While it would be helpful to repetitively execute varying parts of those manual-control screens, LabVIEW is not optimal for dynamic scripting, or on-the-fly sequencing with flow control. (Imagine editing the source code of Excel each time you wanted to create a macro.) And while Python is built for scripting, it requires advanced custom coding to interface with LabVIEW. Announcing TestScript: a free Python/LabVIEW connector from Wineman Technology that is simple to add to your existing LabVIEW application and abstracts complex Python coding, allowing you to easily use Python to control LabVIEW or vice versa.
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