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Found 1 result

  1. I'm excited to release ViPER ViPER is an Object Oriented design Framework that supports dependency injection and recursive object creation. Systems are assembled at runtime from a collection of pre-built components defined by an Object Definition Document. Please visit the project on GitHub https://github.com/kurtafriday/ViPER I've presented this framework at several GLA Conferences, for an overview and guidance please view. GLA 2021 https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/GLA_Summit_2021/Open_Source_ViPER GLA 2020 https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/GLA_Summit_2020/ViPER_-_A_LabVIEW_Dependency_Injection_Framework This branch of ViPER has been used by us to develop systems in regulated industries for several years, it's solid and reliable, however its windows only. I'm working on ViPER_WinRT which is compatible with Windows and RT and we have already used it for several systems. I'll be releasing ViPER_WinRT in the coming months. I'll work to get ViPER onto the VIPM Tools Network soon. I'm looking forward to the feedback and I hope you enjoy and get value from this framework. Ping me if you have any questions. kurt@medulla.net
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