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Found 7 results

  1. Hello Lavag's, Currently developing an UI with custom titlebar like JKI Package Manager 2020, applications from MS Office etc. I have a laptop (1440 X 900) running windows 7 and a second monitor with resolution 1920 X 1080. Scale and layout options for both monitors are set to 100%. "FP.State = Maximized" seems to work only when the resolutions for all monitors are equal or selecting the monitor with highest resolution as main screen. 1. Laptop(1440 X 900) as main screen: FP.State = Maximized works fine in Laptop but not in second monitor. The Panel Bounds and Window Bounds are way out of the screen resolution. Same as in case of JKI VI Package Manager (2020) 2. Setting Window bounds and panel bounds manually: Some pixels appear in the another monitor when setting the Window Bounds and Panel Bounds manually. This sems to be also the case with NI-Package Manager Is there a way to make it work? Any help is greatly appreciated. Regards, Nikhil. Custom Titlebar.vi
  2. Hello, I will take the CLD exam in two days and I would be grateful if anyone could help me in these two questions: 1/ Do I have the ability to change a Cluster from the given UI into a Typedef? 2/ In addition to Tip strips, Is it recommended to add some comments on the front panel or not? Thank you very much!
  3. programmatic control of front panel requires signaling instead of just simple value change . This requires access to controls . The attached VI's should do the job. The controls can be anywhere including tabs etc which requires recursive access. Get FP References.vi Get Set FP Value Signaling Anywhere.vi
  4. Hello to all. Thanks for helping me. I have developed an application in a laptop of 15.6 inches. Now I am creating a .EXE to deploy in a PLC of 15 inches. All my front panel is a tab control which has controls and indicators inside. The problem is that when I deploy de application I can not see a part of tab control (15 inches vs 15.6 inches). How can I fit tab control to 15 inches easyly? Thanks a lot.
  5. clone vi front panel access requires slight trick to handle clone vi's (re entrant) shown in the attached file Get FP data.vi
  6. Hi to all, I'm able to see a SubVI front panel in a Main front panel using a SubVI object and inserting it into the object. I have been wondering if I can do the same launching an executable file and looking its user interface inside a main executable, both built using the LabView application builder. Have you ever done a work like this? Have you an idea to advise me, that can help me? Thank you all
  7. This is something I experienced some time ago on a project that really put me through the ringer. We worked with NI R&D for 6 weeks at an elevated support level to finally get to the bottom of the issue. The symptoms were my front panels (both in code and exe) would become 'detached' from the block diagram. In other words, the GUI would appear locked while the code behind was actually executing just fine. CPU was very low (3-5%) on all cores. For a long-time monitoring application it was especially problematic as the user wouldn't interact with the GUI for long periods of time; the information on the display would simply quit updating and it would be difficult to detect the condition. The solution ended up being something out of left field - the Windows Aero theme, which is default for Win 7. R&D finally stumbled across this and was able to turn the issue on off by changing the theme away from Aero. I gave a presentation at NIWEEK just recently and it seems I had 3 people in the audience that were experiencing this same/similar issue. Therefore, I thought I would post this and maybe I could help some others. All LabVIEW versions including 2012 are affected it seems. I was developing in 2010 at the time, but R&D tried many versions to see if it was version-specific.
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